One of my Spanish guitar students and I witnessed for 1 ½ hours today to a family from Honduras. Mrs. C was very friendly and invited us in as soon as we walked up to the fence around their home. Her husband briefly greeted us before we entered the home but did not come in at all to talk with us.
Mrs. C shared how she has had a number of bad experiences with churches and professing Christians in the past. She bitterly decried the hypocrisy of some of the Christians that she has known.
My evangelism partner did most of the talking because he is a native Spanish speaker. He repeatedly tried to steer the conversation away from her complaints about the Christians that she has known but she would keep coming back to them.
As their conversation continued, I was able to understand that she was very upset with what she has seen of Christianity in the past. Sensing that we needed to give her some Scripture that would challenge her about her own need, I asked my partner to read the parable of the Pharisee and the publican to her.
As he led her through the parable and then explained its application to her, there was a marked change in her interaction with us. God used His Word to challenge her about her own sinfulness!
My partner was able to explain to her how Christ was the propitiation for our sins, which was shocking to her. Apparently, she had never heard anyone explain that glorious truth to her before our visit with her.
While my partner continued to witness to her, I was able to witness in English to her 11-year old daughter Y. Her daughter attends church fairly regularly and seems to be a believer.
I was able to help her think clearly about what God has done for her so that her sins have been forgiven through her faith in Jesus. I also helped her think through the main truths of John 3:16 and challenged her briefly about going on with the Lord as a believer.
Before we left, we prayed with both of them about a special need that they have in their family. We are very thankful to have had this excellent witnessing opportunity this morning!
As the Lord brings it to mind, please pray for the salvation of Mr. and Mrs. C.
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