Through God’s provision, Daniel and his friends abounded in “all matters of wisdom and understanding” about which they were consulted (Dan. 1:20). In fact, they were found in those matters to be “ten times better than all” the others in the setting that God put them (Dan. 1:20). May God see fit to bless us all who know Him today so that we might the most skillful people in the world in everything concerning Him and His Word!
Adam to Noah – A table that compiles the genealogical information in Genesis 5
Bible Books Chapters Words Verses Analysis – A statistical analysis of the books of the KJV Bible that provides the following for each book of the Bible: Chapters; Verses; Words; Verses/Chapter; Words/Chapter; Words/Verse
Evangelizing Christ to Gentiles – A study that explains the importance of explaining the basic meaning of the term Christ in evangelizing Gentiles.
Extending and repaving the Romans Road – A study of key considerations that call for modifying the Romans Road approach to evangelism.
How to make the most of your Bible study
Model Prayer Handout – Compilation of prayer passages in keeping with the Model Prayer given by Jesus
Obedience to His Heavenly Vision – A study of a key statement concerning Pauline evangelistic practice
Paul in the Book of Acts – A study of Paul as a man with a mindset toward the ministry of the message
Sixfold Analysis of the Books of the KJV Bible – Provides rankings of all Bible books for chapters, verses, words, verses/chapter, words/chapter, and words/verse
The Salvation of a Good Man – Examination of the salvation account of Cornelius, a “good” man, that reveals how this passage provides very helpful information about how a person must be saved
The Teaching of Phusis – A presentation of the Greek text of 1 Cor. 11:14-15 that brings out some key points
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