In his first message about music and public worship, Pastor Mark Minnick this morning addressed the key question, “What is the role of music in public worship?” He based his treatment of this crucial question on two key New Testament passages: Ephesians 5:18-20 and Colossians 3:16.
In treating these passages, he remarked,
Both passages direct us to sing psalms, which directs us back to the Old Testament. We must be careful of thinking about our subject not to make a great distinction between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
He then took us through First Chronicles 25:1-7 to establish that those who directed the worship in the Temple prophesied through the music. Based on this data, he developed six key aspects that this passage teaches us about the role of music in public worship:
1. They were prophesying instrumentally
2. They were prophesying chorally, that is, through singing with musical accompaniment
3. Those who prophesied had a high level of musicianship
4. The prophesying was done in large numbers
5. All of the prophesying was done under the direction of mature spiritual leadership
6. Giving thanks and praising the Lord comprised the content of this prophesying
I highly commend this message to you as one of the finest treatments of this subject that I have ever heard. By listening to this message here, you will avail yourself with profoundly valuable biblical truth about the role of music in public worship!
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