In preparation for teaching Sunday school today and next week, I have been thinking much about how important biblical marriage is and the intense assault that we are seeing on that truth. We have a great need to contend for the faith once given to the saints concerning these key truths.
According to the Bible, the first demonic attack on mankind was not on an unmarried man or woman but on a married woman. This observation suggests that married women may especially be targets of satanic activity intended to ruin their marriages.
Spirit-filled husbands and wives speak to themselves and each other in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in their hearts to the Lord about their marriages. They teach and admonish each other with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in their hearts to God about their marriages.
Husbands and wives should consider regularly singing to one another of their love for one another, even as the divinely inspired book of Song of Solomon suggests that Solomon and his beloved did.
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