This morning, I finished reading through the Bible for this year! I praise God that He has allowed me to do so at least once a year every year of my Christian life!
Given the incredible upheaval that is happening in our country at this time, who knows whether the day may soon come when the Bible may be a banned book in our country. For as long as we still have the freedom to do so, I urge you to immerse yourself in the Word of God every year and every day of your life.
Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.
Dear brother Rajesh
I was reading my one year bible plan this am
I was wondering about the expression in Isaiah 42 about
“The servant of the Lord “
You did a great work in compilation of all the times and the people that are called by this title
This is the work that got me to your website and to your testimony
We are brothers in Christ ????????✅
I was saved in 1981 ..praise God
Well done
Thanks for the encouraging feedback, John. Praise the Lord that He has been faithful to all of us who are His people!