Spiritual Warfare and Professional Occultists: Indisputable Realities

January 16, 2023

God inerrantly, infallibly, and indisputably attests to us repeatedly in Scripture of the fully authentic existence and practices of many professional occultists (for example, magicians, wizards, people with familiar spirits, and sorcerers). Scripture speaks of these people in many passages from Genesis 41 to Revelation 22.

Based on this indisputably true divine revelation, we must understand all of the following truths as being indisputable realities about spiritual warfare and professional occultists:

Professional occultists have existed throughout most of human history, exist in our day, and will continue to exist throughout all the future times of human existence.

Professional occultists have had fully authentic knowledge of fully authentic occult practices. They continue to have that fully authentic knowledge.

Professional occultists have fully authentically engaged in those fully authentic occult practices and continue to do so.

Professional occultists have had and continue to have fully authentic sources for their obtaining fully authentic information about fully authentic occult practices and for their learning how to fully authentically engage in those fully authentic occult practices.

Professional occultists have had and continue to have fully authentic capabilities of transmitting fully authentic knowledge of how to engage in fully authentic occult practices.

Professional occultists have been and will continue to be among the chief enemies of God, His people, and unbelievers who are seeking to hear God’s Word and learn of the faith (cf. Exod. 7-9; Acts 13:6-8).


Because of all of these indisputably true realities about fully authentic professional occultists, we can say with absolute certainty that unbelievers have provided and can provide fully authentic information about fully authentic occult practices. They have done so, can do so, and continue to do so without any need for any biblical information from any source.

God’s people, therefore, must not hold to the exceedingly dangerously wrong notion that information about the occult that is not from the Bible is inherently false, inauthentic, unreliable, and untrustworthy. Rather, they must properly heed such information and profit fully from it so that they fully obey God’s command for us to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness” (Eph. 5:11).

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.



Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.