Listing of Non-Copyrighted Songs in "Himnos Majestuosos: Edición Revisada"

September 5, 2012

For the instructional handouts in my Guitar for Spanish Ministry classes, I use non-copyrighted tunes from several hymnals. I’m in the process of compiling information about these tunes and analyzing them to determine which ones are the best ones to use with my students.

The following list provides the numbers for the 247 non-copyrighted tunes that I found in Himnos Majestuosos: Edición Revisada (by the alphabetized section headings in which they are found).

Adoración: 51; 54; 56; 59; 60; 61
Alabanza: 1; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8; 9; 11; 13; 15; 16; 18; 20; 27; 28; 30; 41; 43; 44
Arrepentimiento y Perdón: 348; 351; 352; 354; 355; 356
Consuelo: 480; 484
Coros: 585; 590
El Amor de Dios: 119; 120; 123; 128; 129; 130; 131; 134; 136
El Cielo: 557; 558; 559; 563
Entrega y Consagración: 360; 361; 364; 365; 368; 369; 370; 375; 376; 377; 378; 379; 380; 386; 389; 390; 394
Evangelismo y Misiones: 522; 524; 526; 527; 528; 530; 531; 536; 537
Fe y Confianzo: 399; 407; 408; 410; 411
Gratitud: 486; 487
Himnos Adicionales: 637; 638; 645
Jesucristo: 150; 155; 157; 160; 169; 175; 179; 181
La Batalla Espiritual: 567; 568; 571; 572;   573; 574; 578; 580
La Cruz: 228; 230; 231; 232; 235; 237; 241; 243
La Dirección y El Ciudado de Dios: 82; 89; 91; 92; 98; 106; 109; 111
La Gracia de Dios: 139; 140; 147; 148
La Invitación: 310; 312; 314; 315; 317; 319; 320; 321; 322; 324; 325; 328
La Majestad y El Poder de Dios: 69; 76
La Navidad: 186; 187; 188; 189; 191; 193; 194; 195; 196; 202; 205; 207; 209; 213; 214; 215; 216; 217; 219; 220; 221; 222; 224; 225
La Oración: 412; 413; 423; 425; 426; 428; 429; 430; 434
La Palabra de Dios: 282; 285; 286; 287
La Resurrección de Cristo: 256; 260
La Salvación: 335; 336; 338; 341; 346
La Sangre de Cristo: 244; 246; 248; 249; 250; 254
La Segunda Venida de Cristo: 264; 265; 273; 274; 275; 277
La Seguridad: 439; 444; 445; 446; 446; 447; 448; 450; 451; 455; 457; 459; 462;
La Trinidad: 63; 64; 66
La Vida en Cristo: 295; 297; 300; 301; 304
La Vida Eterna: 552; 553
Melodías: 607; 609; 612; 613
Ocasiones Especiales: 627; 630; 631; 632; 633;
Paz y Gozo: 465; 466; 467; 469; 471; 473; 474; 475
Servicio: 540; 542; 543; 546; 548
Testimonio: 490; 491; 492; 493; 494; 495; 497; 498; 504; 505; 507; 516; 517


Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.



Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

4 responses to Listing of Non-Copyrighted Songs in "Himnos Majestuosos: Edición Revisada"

  1. Carlos Guerrero February 6, 2013 at 1:49 am

    Rajesh Gandhi hello I would get the majestic hymn, but in my country do not sell Nicaragua, could you give me a scanned copy?

    hola Rajesh Gandhi me gustaria conseguir el himnario majestuoso, pero en mi pais Nicaragua no lo venden, me podrias regalar una copia escaneada ?


    • Hi Carlos,

      Thanks for contacting me. I am not able to give you a scanned copy of the hymnal. You can contact Faith Christian Mission about obtaining a printed copy of the hymnal in your country. They handle making the hymnal available outside the U.S:

      Faith Christian Mission
      781 Webb to Kinsey Rd.
      Webb, AL 36376

      (334) 793-4579

      [email protected]

      The Lord be with you.

      • Thanks for responding, I could give the guitar chords for hymns, the 247 non-copyrighted tunes That I found in Majestic Hymns: Revised Edition

        Please send them to me at [email protected]

        Thanks and blessings
        Gracias por responder, me podria regalar los acordes para guitarra de los himnos, the 247 non-copyrighted tunes that I found in Himnos Majestuosos: Edición Revisada

        Por favor enviarmelos a [email protected]

        Gracias y bendiciones

        • Carlos,

          I’m sorry, but I cannot send you anything from the hymnal. If you want music from the hymnal, please contact the mission that I gave you information about in my previous reply and obtain a copy of the hymnal for yourself.