In spite of our time of great economic difficulty, God still calls us to show that we believe in the supreme value of His Word by devoting time to think deeply on what we read. Dr. Michael P.V. Barrett explains the importance of meditating on what we read from Scripture:
The amount of blessing we receive from the Bible and the degree to which we understand the Bible will be in proportion to how much time we meditate on what we have read. Very simply, meditating is thinking . . . Thinking takes time; thinking is work . . . Many Christians get nothing from the Bible not because they are ignorant but because they are thoughtless. . . Although our tendency when we read Scripture is to skip over the parts we don’t understand immediately, it is important just to pause and think and ask the Teacher, the Holy Spirit, to explain. Don’t give up too quickly. . . Take the time to pray and think over the open Bible. Time is like money in that we don’t have much of either to spend. But one way or another we seem to have money to spend on the things that we really want, and we seem to have time to spend on the things that are most important to us. If we truly agree with the Psalmist that God’s Word is more precious than gold, we will want to devote as much thinking time to it as we possibly can (Beginning at Moses: A Guide to Finding Christ in the Old Testament, 11).
To profit fully from our time in Scripture, we have to meditate on what we read. Doing so, we will show to God that our value system is what He wants it to be.
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