Parallels between Abigail's Actions and Christ's

April 13, 2011

First Samuel 25 records the wonderful story of how David was greatly blessed by the actions of Abigail, “a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance” (25:3). When her evil husband abused servants sent by David to him, David purposed to kill him and all the men in his household (25:4-13; 21-22). Abigail intervened in behalf of her husband at this crucial time, and because of her intervention, David spared her husband and all his men (25:18-20; 23-35).

A closer look at Abigail’s intervention reveals striking parallels between her actions on behalf of her husband and his men and Christ’s actions on behalf of us as sinners. Abigail learned of the death sentence that had been passed by David upon her husband and his men (25:14-17). She went to David, the one who was preparing to judge them (25:13; 22-23) for their wickedness (25:21), and beseeched him to let their iniquity be upon her (25:24). Addressing David 14 times with the words, “my lord” (25:24; 25 [2x]; 26 [2x]; 27 [2x]; 28 [2x]; 29; 30; 31 [3x]), she pled her case before the one who had judicial authority over her and her household (25:34). She thus abundantly manifested that she regarded David as her lord, the judge.

Although she herself does not seem to have done anything wrong, she pled with her judge to forgive her trespass (25:28). She also provided “the blessing” to her judge that her husband had wickedly withheld from him (25:27; 35). With her actions and words, she propitiated David’s wrath. Because of her intervention, David accepted her person and did not judge her husband and his men (25:35).

Interestingly, although Abigail to some extent “paid” the penalty for her husband’s sins, at least in the sense of providing what he had sinfully withheld from David, God still subsequently judged her husband (25:38). David’s response to His doing so was to recognize that God had judged him for the reproach that he had brought upon David (25:39).

While the parallels between Abigail’s and Christ’s actions are, of course, far from exact, it seems that there are some significant similarities between their works in their respective contexts. If this interpretation is valid, 1 Samuel 25 would then be another way that the Scripture provides teaching about Christ (cf. Lk. 24:27), albeit in an indirect way.

I would love to hear what you think about my interpretation of this aspect of 1 Samuel 25.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.



Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.