1. Charles Spurgeon on Deuteronomy 28:3b – “Blessed shalt thou be in the field”:
We go to the field to labor as father Adam did; and since the curse fell on the soil through the sin of Adam the first, it is a great comfort to find a blessing through Adam the second. We go to the field for exercise, and we are happy in the belief that the Lord will bless that exercise, and give us health, which we will use to His glory.
—Faith’s Check Book: A Devotional, 52
2. John A. Broadus on “The Maintenance of Physical Health”:
Again, to be a good channel of God’s message the preacher should give careful attention to his health. . . . The long hours in the study should be balanced by a careful diet and regular exercise.
—On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons, 16
3. George Swinnock on Our Duty:
Thy duty is to exercise thyself to godliness in thy recreations; the Christian in his walking, as well as in his working, must be furthering his eternal weal. . . . I am confident that it is thy duty to keep thy body in the best plight and health, vigour, and liveliness that thou canst, for thy soul’s sake.
—Works of George Swinnock, 288-89
4. John Piper on Jonathan Edwards:
He maintained the rigor of his study schedule only with strict attention to diet and exercise. . . . In addition to watching his diet so as to maximize his mental powers, he also took heed to his need for exercise.
—God’s Passion for His Glory, 56
5. Jerry Bridges on “Honor God With Your Body”
Some are abusing their bodies through a constant lack of needed rest and recreation; others are allowing their bodies to become soft and flabby through no exercise at all. Both groups need to learn godly self-control of their bodies.
—The Practice of Godliness, 136
6. P. Johnson and L. Morris on Stewardship:
Some achieve high levels of fitness because they worship their bodies; others do so primarily to achieve the acclaim of man, and the rewards of this world. The condition of heart that promotes these purposes is certainly not pleasing or honoring to God.
—Physical Fitness and the Christian: Exercising Stewardship, 15
See also Christian Health/Fitness Quotes II, posted 3/7/13
See I Will Praise Thee for a motivating presentation of why we should glorify God in our bodies
See Maintain Your Body Wisely for a detailed explanation of what Scripture teaches about how we should serve God through maintaining our bodies wisely
Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.
Excellent, Rajesh! It’s too easy to neglect our physical side which really helps (or, should help) present to the world & our congregations the spiritual reality within.
Thanks, Andrew. Although what our physical state may be is determined by a complex interaction of many factors, even small amounts of regular physical activity can make a noticeable difference. I’m hoping that this post will stir many people to do what they can to that end.