Resources That Provide Answers to Key Issues Concerning CCM

May 16, 2013

Are you looking for help in finding answers to key issues concerning CCM? I commend these resources to you to that end and pray that God will give you the help that you are seeking (click on the links below to read the full article that explains each point)

1. Scripture itself teaches that Scripture is not the only source for authoritative information for knowing the moral character of some things

What the sufficiency of Scripture does not mean for the CCM debate

2. A sound theology of music must account for all that the Bible reveals about music

First Samuel 16:14-23 teaches us several key truths about music that are lacking in the theology of music of many believers today

A fully biblical theology of sound teaches us that we should reject certain music

God does pay attention to the instrumental music used to worship Him!

Elisha’s calling for a minstrel to play for him, and God’s response to that music also teaches about divine attentiveness to instrumental music

3. Music without words is not amoral nor is it inherently moral

David’s instrumental music was not amoral.

Some believe in the amorality of music because they have mishandled the accounts of David’s music ministry to Saul.

Natural revelation and music related to God’s providence teach us that music without words is not amoral.

An examination of some truths in chemistry illumines the debate about the morality of music without words.

Sound reasoning shows that we must reject the view that music without words is inherently amoral.

A comparison between photography and music shows that it is wrong to say that music without words cannot be inherently evil.

A careful analysis of Daniel 3 supports holding that instrumental music is not inherently moral even though God created music.

An examination of Genesis 3:7 and 3:21 shows that it is illegitimate to say that rock music necessarily is inherently fit for human use because it is merely a combination of good musical elements that God made.

Genesis 4:21 teaches us that it is unbiblical to assert that God created all musical styles and that supporting CCM on that basis is invalid.

Biblical revelation about worship in Genesis 8 shows that an argument from Creation that argues that all music is necessarily inherently fit for use in divine worship is invalid.

4. Scripture can teach us that something is immoral because of its sensuality without having to say so explicitly and without having to give any details about it

Scripture never explicitly says that dancing can be sensual, but the account of Herod and Herodias’ daughter’s dancing clearly teaches us that it can be—without saying anything directly about the dancing and without giving any details about the dancing.

Scripture teaches us that it is not necessary for those who reject CCM/CWM to define these terms and explain in detail exactly what these terms signify and why such music is unacceptable

5. Scripture is not silent about musical styles that are unacceptable to God

A sound handling of Genesis 4-6 shows that it is not true that all musical styles are inherently moral

—Several passages help show why “cultural racism” is not a major cause of Christian opposition to “holy hip-hop”

Scriptural teaching about the songs of fools, drunkards, and harlots shows that there are musical styles that are inherently unacceptable to God.

How 1 Cor. 10:23 teaches that not all musical styles are fit for use in worship

Five Key Requirements for Acceptable Kinds of Instrumental Music Used in Corporate Worship

6. Clear biblical teaching directs us to reject CCM

A biblical approach to music for believers must be based on the Psalms. They teach us that the Psalmists would reject CCM.

Amos 6 provides Scriptural information that teaches us to reject CCM.

An application of Romans 14 to the testimony of someone who was spiritually harmed by exposure to CCM in the church shows that we should reject CCM.

Vital biblical considerations and other evidence warns us to beware endangering others and ourselves through music.

7. It is biblical to use secular sources to confirm one’s assessment that CCM is unfit for Christians

Paul’s use of secular sources in Titus 1 to confirm his assessment of the Cretans shows that it is biblical to use secular sources to confirm our biblically based view that CCM is not fit for believers.

Christians should heed what secular musicians and music experts say about the morality of music

Secular testimonies about fallen spirits as the source of ungodly music are not inherently unreliable

Using secular testimonies about demonic influence on human musicians is legitimate

8. Reliable secular sources confirm that CCM is unfit for Christians

A brief video of a secular rock icon who advised a minister shows that CCM is not fit for Christian ministry.

9. Music can be sensual without having any sensual lyrics

Listening to an audio of a song that has no sensual lyrics but is still clearly sensual proves that music can be sensual without having any sensual lyrics

10. My testimony concerning music that is fit for believers

God moved me from heavy metal, soft rock, and pop to psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

11. Other resources concerning CCM

Shelly Hamilton has written an excellent book that provides solid answers for dealing with many of the key issues concerning CCM.

This interesting parable should provoke your thinking concerning issues related to CCM.

God warns us about sensual worship and sensual music

— Scriptural revelation about sensual music warns us against using contemporary worship to evangelize people

Even if David used a harp that an ungodly man invented, his doing so does not justify CCM

Why this “thought experiment” does not justify “Christian rock” and “Christian rap”

First Timothy 4:4-5 and Romans 14:14 do not refute what Shai Linne says they do

Second Kings 4:38-41 provides revelation that biblically answers one of the most common arguments used today to justify CCM

The testimony about a “new song” in Psalm 40 does not justify using CCM to evangelize lost people

Using passages about meat offered to idols to support the use of disputed musical styles is a serious misstep

Demonically assigned musical meanings to rock music is another key issue to consider

Some CCM Defenders or the Glorified Christ: Choose Carefully Whom You Will Follow!

12. The Golden Calf incident (GCI) is foundational for understanding key issues concerning CCM. This series of articles will treat the incident thoroughly from many viewpoints to explain why believers should not use CCM. To profit fully from this series, you should read the articles in order.

A. Toward Fully Understanding the Golden Calf Incident

B. More Insights about the Golden Calf Incident

C. Leadership Failure and the Golden Calf Incident

D. Religious Syncretism and the Golden Calf Incident

E. The NT Key to a Fuller Understanding of the Golden Calf Incident

F. How The Golden Calf Passages Illumine the CCM Debate: Part I

G. Is Exodus 32 a Record of Singing and Dancing without Musical Instruments

H. Is Exodus 32 a Record of an Event Featuring the Sound of Ungodly Singing

I. Poll Results and Analysis: Is Exodus 32:17-18 Divine Revelation about Worship Music?

J. What Does Ungodly Worship Music Sound Like?

(I anticipate having several more articles in this series, including an article that specifically addresses issues concerning CCM.)

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.



Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

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