Are you looking for help in finding answers to key issues concerning CCM? I commend these resources to you to that end and pray that God will give you the help that you are seeking (click on the links below to read the full article that explains each point)
1. Scripture itself teaches that Scripture is not the only source for authoritative information for knowing the moral character of some things
—What the sufficiency of Scripture does not mean for the CCM debate
2. A sound theology of music must account for all that the Bible reveals about music
—A fully biblical theology of sound teaches us that we should reject certain music
—God does pay attention to the instrumental music used to worship Him!
3. Music without words is not amoral nor is it inherently moral
—David’s instrumental music was not amoral.
—Sound reasoning shows that we must reject the view that music without words is inherently amoral.
4. Scripture can teach us that something is immoral because of its sensuality without having to say so explicitly and without having to give any details about it
5. Scripture is not silent about musical styles that are unacceptable to God
—Several passages help show why “cultural racism” is not a major cause of Christian opposition to “holy hip-hop”
—How 1 Cor. 10:23 teaches that not all musical styles are fit for use in worship
—Five Key Requirements for Acceptable Kinds of Instrumental Music Used in Corporate Worship
6. Clear biblical teaching directs us to reject CCM
—Amos 6 provides Scriptural information that teaches us to reject CCM.
7. It is biblical to use secular sources to confirm one’s assessment that CCM is unfit for Christians
—Christians should heed what secular musicians and music experts say about the morality of music
—Using secular testimonies about demonic influence on human musicians is legitimate
8. Reliable secular sources confirm that CCM is unfit for Christians
9. Music can be sensual without having any sensual lyrics
10. My testimony concerning music that is fit for believers
—God moved me from heavy metal, soft rock, and pop to psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
11. Other resources concerning CCM
—This interesting parable should provoke your thinking concerning issues related to CCM.
—God warns us about sensual worship and sensual music
— Even if David used a harp that an ungodly man invented, his doing so does not justify CCM
— Why this “thought experiment” does not justify “Christian rock” and “Christian rap”
— First Timothy 4:4-5 and Romans 14:14 do not refute what Shai Linne says they do
—The testimony about a “new song” in Psalm 40 does not justify using CCM to evangelize lost people
—Demonically assigned musical meanings to rock music is another key issue to consider
—Some CCM Defenders or the Glorified Christ: Choose Carefully Whom You Will Follow!
12. The Golden Calf incident (GCI) is foundational for understanding key issues concerning CCM. This series of articles will treat the incident thoroughly from many viewpoints to explain why believers should not use CCM. To profit fully from this series, you should read the articles in order.
A. Toward Fully Understanding the Golden Calf Incident
B. More Insights about the Golden Calf Incident
C. Leadership Failure and the Golden Calf Incident
D. Religious Syncretism and the Golden Calf Incident
E. The NT Key to a Fuller Understanding of the Golden Calf Incident
F. How The Golden Calf Passages Illumine the CCM Debate: Part I
G. Is Exodus 32 a Record of Singing and Dancing without Musical Instruments
H. Is Exodus 32 a Record of an Event Featuring the Sound of Ungodly Singing
I. Poll Results and Analysis: Is Exodus 32:17-18 Divine Revelation about Worship Music?
J. What Does Ungodly Worship Music Sound Like?
(I anticipate having several more articles in this series, including an article that specifically addresses issues concerning CCM.)
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