I continue to be amazed to find out what the top all-time most viewed posts on my blog have been. I never would have expected the top articles to be of such comparatively greater interest than some of the ones that I thought would have been more viewed.
It’s very intriguing to me that the following have been the top 5 most viewed posts on my blog:
1. Nine Reasons Why Solomon Did Not Perish Eternally
2. The Autobiography of Dr. Frank Watson Garlock
3. Striking Parallels between Jesus and Stephen
4. Christian Health/Fitness Quotes I
5. The “Problem” of Jemimah, Keziah, and Keren-Happuch?
The stats below for the top 25 all-time most viewed posts show that there have not been all that many people who have viewed what I have posted over the past nearly 4 or so years since I started keeping track of the views on my blog. Even so, I am thankful for those who have profited from what I have shared!
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