Bible Reading Order 2022

October 8, 2022

It has been many years now since I have read the Bible through in its canonical order from Genesis to Revelation. Instead, I have kept track of what I have read each year to make sure I read all the books by the end of the year in whatever order I end up reading them.

This morning, I decided to chart my reading order for 2022. Beginning on January 1, I finished the Bible on August 26 and finished reading the books in the following order:

Year 2022
Book No. Name Chapters Date Completed Book No. Name Chapters Date Completed
19 Psalms 150 108 56 Tit 3 719
1 Gen 50 127 57 Philem 1 719
20 Prov 31 131 58 Heb 13 721
9 1 Sam 31 211 24 Jer 52 722
2 Exod 40 225 59 Jam 5 722
23 Isa 66 307 25 Lam 5 723
10 2 Sam 24 314 60 1 Pet 5 724
44 Acts 28 320 61 2 Pet 3 724
13 1 Chron 29 407 62 1 John 5 726
45 Rom 16 412 63 2 John 1 726
3 Lev 27 417 64 3 John 1 726
66 Rev 22 418 65 Jude 1 726
11 1 Kings 22 420 6 Josh 24 729
46 1 Cor 16 503 43 John 21 802
47 2 Cor 13 514 7 Judg 21 805
12 2 Kings 25 523 8 Ruth 4 805
14 2 Chron 36 524 26 Ezek 48 810
4 Num 36 602 27 Dan 12 810
40 Matt 28 607 28 Hos 14 811
18 Job 42 612 29 Joel 3 812
48 Gal 6 612 30 Amos 9 813
49 Eph 6 620 31 Obad 1 814
21 Eccl 12 623 32 Jonah 4 814
41 Mark 16 623 33 Mic 7 815
5 Deut 34 626 34 Nah 3 815
50 Phil 4 630 35 Hab 3 816
22 Song 8 701 36 Zeph 3 816
42 Luke 24 715 37 Hag 2 817
51 Col 4 715 38 Zec 14 820
52 1 Thess 5 715 17 Esth 10 821
53 2 Thess 3 715 15 Ezra 10 823
54 1 Tim 6 718 16 Neh 13 826
55 2 Tim 4 718 39 Mal 4 826


1. I have been reading the Bible through each year for many years now in a similar fashion and approach reading it through in whatever order I want to read the books instead of reading them through in consecutive canonical order.

2. Instead of using the traditional date notation, I came up with the idea of multiplying the number of the month by 100 and then adding to it the number of the day of the month.

For example, 701 means July 1 because July 1 is the first day of the 7th month (7*100 + 1 = 701). I devised and used this system because it makes working with and sorting the dates easier in Excel.

3. Because I often have been reading multiple books at the same time, the completion dates for the various books do not necessarily signify that I read the entirety of a book before beginning the next book that I have listed as completed after it.

For example, here’s what I read during the first ten days of the year:

101 Gen. 1-3

102 Gen. 4-11; Ps. 1-12

103 Ps. 13-29; 30-36; 37-40; 41-50

104 Ps. 51-67; 68-76

105 Ps. 77-84

106 Ps. 85-101

107 Ps. 102-110

108 Ps. 116-150

109 Ps. 135-150; Prov. 1

110 Gen. 12-14; Prov. 2-9; etc.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.



Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.