Recommendations for My Guitar Teaching

Right Hand FingersI have a burden to train people to use the guitar for ministry. I have developed many original resources that are specifically tailored for making the guitar much more useful in a ministry context.

If you know of anyone who is in the Greenville area who is in ministry or headed into the ministry who could profit from such guitar instruction, I would appreciate your letting them know of my ministry. I would especially like to train people who are headed into or currently serving in missions works.

My schedule is quite flexible and my rates are very reasonable. I am also interested in teaching students remotely through Skype.


Sid Messer is a missionary to Ecuador. I had the privilege of teaching guitar for ministry to his children, Danielle and Jared, while they were home on furlough in 2012. They were both excellent students. Here is his recommendation:

Hello Rajesh,

I’ve pasted below the recommendation. Hope that it will be fine for you. Thank you again for offering those services for us during our time in the States. It really has been profitable for them both.

Here is the recommendation.

During our last furlough, Rajesh Gandhi graciously helped our two oldest children move to the next level in their guitar playing. It was the combination of his flexibility with our “missionary-on-furlough” routine and his Christian demeanor that made the entire experience a positive one.  With that understanding spirit and his professionalism, both our children were able to achieve a great level of guitar proficiency. As a result, they both are very active in the music ministry here in Ecuador. I highly recommend Rajesh as a guitar instructor for your children. The time and money spent will no doubt yield eternal dividends.

Sid Messer – Missionary in Ecuador

Okay, take care Rajesh.

In Christ,


(Here is a screen shot of this recommendation, which I received by e-mail on 6/26/13)

Randy Smith is another GFA missionary whom I have known for many years. Last year, it was very rewarding to teach guitar to his son, Matt. Here is Randy’s recommendation:

I am pleased to recommend Mr. Rajesh Gandhi to missionaries who may be interested in learning to play the guitar.  During our recent furlough, Rajesh taught my son, Matt, for most of a year.  I was pleased with Matt’s progress and feel like this is something that we would do again in the future as we have opportunity.  If you choose to take advantage of this opportunity, I believe that you will be pleased with Rajesh’s own skill level and teaching ability, his emphasis on playing for ministry, his competitive rates, and flexibility (great for traveling missionaries!).  Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.


Randy Smith

[email protected]

(Here is a screen shot of his recommendation, which I received by e-mail on 7/12/13.)

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

2 responses to Recommendations for My Guitar Teaching

  1. I was wondering about how you play? What for rhythms do you have? I play guitar a little and I saw your post about ccm and that is what I play. I want to serve God with the music I play and I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about what for rhythms to play, what for strum patterns ect … ?

    • Thanks for your interest, Philip. I have two videos on my Music page (at the end of the page) that you can watch to see what rhythms and strum patterns I use:

      Long before CCM and even rock music came along, Christians were serving God and worshiping Him with many instruments, including string instruments. It is not hard to play God-honoring music on the guitar that does not import musical styles created by ungodly people specifically to promote ungodliness. Hope this helps. Thanks.


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