Archives For Testimony

Tonight, I went on visitation with another member from my church. We went to a rough neighborhood in a trailer park. Although we talked with several lost people, no one seemed to be genuinely receptive much at all.

God used what I observed and heard in this neighborhood tonight to deal with me about issues in my own heart and walk with Him. Had I not been in that setting and experienced the personal challenges in my own soul that I did because of my being among those people, I would not have been as receptive to God’s dealing with me afterward as I ended up being.

Perhaps my experience tonight would be repeated in the lives of many others of God’s people were they to put themselves consistently among lost people to try to reach them.

I believe that through our regular interaction with lost people, God desires not only to bless them with exposure to His truth; He also wants to sanctify us for His service. Let us all, therefore, heed even more God’s desire for us to be active in trying to reach lost people.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

A Bottle of Cold Water

August 7, 2011

On Saturday afternoon, a pastor and I went canvassing in a very wealthy neighborhood. We were putting flyers for our upcoming evangelistic services on the front doors of the homes in the subdivision.

Many of the houses had yards that seemed to be a block long or more. We split up to cover as much ground as possible. It was very hot, but the huge trees in many of the yards provided a very welcome shade cover for me.

After about 45 minutes or so, it began to rain. I chided myself for not bringing along an umbrella.

As I walked toward yet another home, the owner was mowing his lawn with his riding mower. I signaled to him to give him our flyers. After he had come to meet me, I explained what we were doing, and he graciously received the info and thanked me.

He then extended himself to me in a very gracious way that I was not at all expecting. He offered for me to go to his garage to wait until the rain stopped. I eagerly accepted his offer and hurried over to his garage.

In a short while, he met me at the garage, and I explained a little more about who I was and what I was doing. He shared that he went to another church in the area and expressed appreciation for what I was doing.

He then told me to wait just a minute while he went into his home. He returned shortly with an ice-cold bottle of water for me. After that, he opened the trunk of his Sebring car, took out a small umbrella, gave it to me, and said that I did not need to return it to him.

I thanked him for his graciousness and proceeded on my way. Jesus’ words came to my mind: “And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward” (Matt. 10:42).

Praise God for His kindness to me through this unexpected act from a stranger!

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Answered prayer!

February 8, 2011

Through the goodness of God mediated through several of His choice servants, I now have this website! I prayed this morning and asked God to work it out for my site to become active soon, and He answered abundantly. I hope to share much useful information through this site in the days ahead. May the Lord use it greatly to advance His kingdom and righteousness.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.