Archives For Discipleship

Bible Reading Report for 2022

December 31, 2022

2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.

I praise God that He allowed me to read through the Bible in 2022, read the New Testament twice, and read Psalms, Jude, and Revelation five times.

I have now made it through the Psalms 88 times. Lord willing, I would like to read the Psalms twelve times in 2023 to get to 100 times through this incomparable book!

Photo by Marion Shires. Used by permission.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Book Update 12.31.22

December 31, 2022

I have been studying what the Bible teaches about music for more than 11 years now. I have also been working for several years on writing my book The Battle for Kingdom Music: A Call to Worldwide Consecration.

On December 23, I began an extended time off from work. My goals for this time were to do at least 30 hours of work on my book and read the Psalms through twice while doing so to saturate my mind with God’s own thoughts about music.

This morning, I finished my second time going through the Psalms since December 22!

This afternoon, I finished working 30 hours on my book since December 23! God has given me tremendous progress on my book during this time!

It seems that I am getting close to having the rough draft of the book done. Lord willing, I hope to complete the book and have it published by September 2023.

Praise God for His faithfulness!

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Does God accept for use in corporate worship all kinds of instrumental music or are there some kinds of instrumental worship that He accepts and some that He does not? How many kinds of instrumental music does God accept for use in corporate worship?

To answer these questions properly, we must carefully consider five key requirements for a kind of instrumental music to be acceptable to God for use in corporate worship.

Not Sinful

For any kind of instrumental music to be acceptable to God for use in corporate worship, it must not be sinful. Most Christians hold that there are no kinds of instrumental music that are themselves sinful.

Not Prohibited

To be acceptable for use in corporate worship, a kind of instrumental music must also not be prohibited by God. Most Christians hold that there are no kinds of instrumental music that God has prohibited for use in corporate worship.


It is not enough that a kind of instrumental music not be sinful and not be prohibited. It must also be lawful for use in corporate worship. Many Christians in effect seem to believe that all kinds of instrumental music are lawful for use in corporate worship.


Just because a kind of music is not sinful, not prohibited, and is lawful does not mean that it is expedient (cf. 1 Cor. 10:23a). For a kind of instrumental music to be acceptable to God for use in corporate worship it must be both lawful and expedient.


In order for any kind of instrumental music to be acceptable to God for use in corporate worship, it must not just be lawful and expedient. It must also be edifying (cf. 1 Cor. 10:23b).


Scripture plainly teaches that not all things that are lawful are expedient. It also teaches plainly that not all things that are lawful are edifying.

Applying these truths to the realm of kinds of instrumental music, we learn that even if it were true that all kinds of instrumental music are lawful, it still would not be true that all kinds of instrumental music are acceptable to God for use in corporate worship.

Because only the kinds of instrumental music that are not sinful, not prohibited, lawful, expedient, and edifying are acceptable to God for use in worship, we can be certain that it is not true that all kinds of instrumental music are acceptable to God for use in corporate worship.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

In building the temple of God, king Solomon employed a skillful craftsman from Tyre whose father was not an Israelite:

1 Kings 7:13 And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. 14 He was a widow’s son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.

Because Solomon used such a man to build the very house of God, some might try to argue from that fact to say that we should also use all kinds of instrumental music of unbelievers to worship God in our churches.

Would you agree or disagree with using such reasoning from what Scripture reveals about what Solomon did in building the temple?

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Tonight, I read a quote that I find very interesting:

4.) Rock music is a neutral force. It can be either good or bad, depending on how you use it.

This is an occult concept, not a Christian one. The witchcraft doctrine of “The Force” says that there is a neutral power within all of nature which can be directed by the person controlling it. For example, witchcraft can be either good or evil, depending on whether it’s white or black. Actually, both powers come from the same source — Satan. What does the Bible say? In Genesis 1:31, when God looked on all of His creation, He said, “Behold, it was very GOOD.” No neutral ground with God! According to “The Force” theory, good or evil is in the eye of the beholder. Thus, the concept of Christian Rock cannot be scripturally sound. C-Rockers are so desperate to defend their music, they have even resorted to the use of occultic principles in their vain attempts to do so.

–Jeff Godwin, Dancing with Demons: The Music’s Real Master, 233-234


Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

It seems to me that many believers today hold that we should regard rock music as being like things that people offer to idols. I would like to appeal to the brethren who hold such views to consider carefully the following line of reasoning.

Crucial Teaching about Certain Things Offered to Idols

Through the apostle Paul, God provides the most extensive treatment of issues concerning certain things offered to idols (1 Cor. 8:1-11:1). Specifically, concerning meat offered to idols, Paul says,

1 Corinthians 8:8 But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

We must note carefully what exactly Paul teaches here. Paul says that meat does not commend us to God (1 Cor. 8:8a).

He explains that teaching to mean that those who eat meat offered to idols are not better (off) than those who do not (1 Cor. 8:8b). He also explains that those who do not eat meat offered to idols are not worse (off) than those who do eat meat offered to idols (1 Cor. 8:8c).

Applying Paul’s Teaching to Rock Music

If it is legitimate to hold that rock music is like meat offered to idols, applying Paul’s teaching here to rock music would teach us that rock music does not commend us to God.

Specifically, if we were to play or listen to rock music, we would not be better (off) than those who do not play or listen to rock music. Moreover, if we were not to play or listen to rock music, we would not be worse (off) than those who play or listen to rock music.

If these views are correct, anyone who holds that rock music is like things offered to idols must hold that playing or listening to rock music does not make a believer better (off) than not playing or listening to rock music.

In addition, he would then have to hold that churches that use rock music in worship are not better (off) than churches that do not. He would also have to hold that churches that do not use rock music in worship are not worse (off) than those who do use rock music in worship.


If you hold that rock music is like things offered to idols, do you also hold to the points that are the necessary consequences of holding that rock music is like things offered to idols? If you do not also hold to these points that are the necessary consequences of holding that view, I urge you to reconsider your belief that rock music is like things offered to idols.

See my post Resources That Provide Answers to Key Issues Concerning CCM for much more biblical information about issues concerning what music God accepts in corporate worship.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Have there been any physical objects, whether manmade or not, that have been used as musical instruments that have been and are unacceptable for use in corporate worship?

Here are some possible considerations that we must think through biblically:

1. A drum that has multiple horns on it that signify that it is dedicated to demons and used to interact with them

2. A drum that has a humanly indecipherable inscription on it that in actuality expresses praises to Satan

3. A drum that has been used in human sacrifices and has been consecrated for that use by the application of sacrificial human blood to one or more parts of the instrument

4. A drum intentionally shaped in some manner so that one or more parts of it are like human private parts

5. A drum “decorated” with one or more engraved images of “one-finger salutes” or some other vulgar symbol, graphic, etc.

6. A drum that has occult symbols engraved on it

7. A drum that is a real human skull or is shaped like a human skull

See also: Are All Musical Styles Inherently Moral?

On Singing, Dancing, and Playing Instruments in Scripture

Assigned Musical Meanings and Christian Use of Rock Music

We Must Reject a Man-Centered Understanding and Practice of Music

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Jeff Godwin on Rock Music

October 24, 2022

There is one rule we should never forget. Rock is Rock is Rock is Rock. Whether it’s called “Soft” Rock, “Acid” Rock, “Punk” Rock or “Christian” Rock, we are still dealing with music more ancient than the classics. Rooted in the Druid demon worship of Celtic England, and baptized in voodoo ceremonies of Africa and the Caribbean, Satan’s rock rules the world.

–Jeff Godwin, Dancing with Demons: The Music’s Real Master, 8

Please Note: My sharing of this quoted material does not mean that I endorse all the content of this work, all the views of the author of this work or all the content and views that he expresses in this or in any of his other works. It does not mean that I agree with everything that he says and holds in this work or anywhere else.

See my post Resources That Provide Answers to Key Issues Concerning CCM for much more biblical information about issues concerning what music God accepts in corporate worship.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Scripture makes clear that God required that those who ministered music to Him in His temple be skillful in playing and singing music to Him:

Psalm 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.

1 Chronicles 15:22 And Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was for song: he instructed about the song, because he was skilful.

Of course, those who ministered such music to Him had to do so with a right heart toward God for it to be acceptable to Him (Josh. 22:5; 1 Sam. 12:20, 24; Isa. 29:13; Matt. 15:8).

Why, then, do some or perhaps even many believers today hold that skillfulness in ministering music to God no longer matters and that all that God requires from His people today is that they have a right heart when ministering music to Him?

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Bible Reading Order 2022

October 8, 2022

It has been many years now since I have read the Bible through in its canonical order from Genesis to Revelation. Instead, I have kept track of what I have read each year to make sure I read all the books by the end of the year in whatever order I end up reading them.

This morning, I decided to chart my reading order for 2022. Beginning on January 1, I finished the Bible on August 26 and finished reading the books in the following order:

Year 2022
Book No. Name Chapters Date Completed Book No. Name Chapters Date Completed
19 Psalms 150 108 56 Tit 3 719
1 Gen 50 127 57 Philem 1 719
20 Prov 31 131 58 Heb 13 721
9 1 Sam 31 211 24 Jer 52 722
2 Exod 40 225 59 Jam 5 722
23 Isa 66 307 25 Lam 5 723
10 2 Sam 24 314 60 1 Pet 5 724
44 Acts 28 320 61 2 Pet 3 724
13 1 Chron 29 407 62 1 John 5 726
45 Rom 16 412 63 2 John 1 726
3 Lev 27 417 64 3 John 1 726
66 Rev 22 418 65 Jude 1 726
11 1 Kings 22 420 6 Josh 24 729
46 1 Cor 16 503 43 John 21 802
47 2 Cor 13 514 7 Judg 21 805
12 2 Kings 25 523 8 Ruth 4 805
14 2 Chron 36 524 26 Ezek 48 810
4 Num 36 602 27 Dan 12 810
40 Matt 28 607 28 Hos 14 811
18 Job 42 612 29 Joel 3 812
48 Gal 6 612 30 Amos 9 813
49 Eph 6 620 31 Obad 1 814
21 Eccl 12 623 32 Jonah 4 814
41 Mark 16 623 33 Mic 7 815
5 Deut 34 626 34 Nah 3 815
50 Phil 4 630 35 Hab 3 816
22 Song 8 701 36 Zeph 3 816
42 Luke 24 715 37 Hag 2 817
51 Col 4 715 38 Zec 14 820
52 1 Thess 5 715 17 Esth 10 821
53 2 Thess 3 715 15 Ezra 10 823
54 1 Tim 6 718 16 Neh 13 826
55 2 Tim 4 718 39 Mal 4 826


1. I have been reading the Bible through each year for many years now in a similar fashion and approach reading it through in whatever order I want to read the books instead of reading them through in consecutive canonical order.

2. Instead of using the traditional date notation, I came up with the idea of multiplying the number of the month by 100 and then adding to it the number of the day of the month.

For example, 701 means July 1 because July 1 is the first day of the 7th month (7*100 + 1 = 701). I devised and used this system because it makes working with and sorting the dates easier in Excel.

3. Because I often have been reading multiple books at the same time, the completion dates for the various books do not necessarily signify that I read the entirety of a book before beginning the next book that I have listed as completed after it.

For example, here’s what I read during the first ten days of the year:

101 Gen. 1-3

102 Gen. 4-11; Ps. 1-12

103 Ps. 13-29; 30-36; 37-40; 41-50

104 Ps. 51-67; 68-76

105 Ps. 77-84

106 Ps. 85-101

107 Ps. 102-110

108 Ps. 116-150

109 Ps. 135-150; Prov. 1

110 Gen. 12-14; Prov. 2-9; etc.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.