A People for His Name: My Ministry Testimony

At the Jerusalem Council, James shared how Peter had declared “how God at the first did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name” (Acts 15:14). What God began back then in Caesarea, He is continuing to do all over the world.

As a Gentile whom He has taken to be among His people, I desire to perpetuate God’s glorifying Himself through taking out many more people for His name. For this reason, I have chosen A People for His Name as the title for my ministry.

God saved me in 1990 and put me in Calvary Baptist Church in Cookeville, Tennessee. Over the years, I served there in many capacities, including teaching for Vacation Bible School and Sunday school on numerous occasions as well as preaching many times. I also have been extensively involved in ministering to the youth at Calvary in various ways since I first attended there.

God brought me to Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina, in 1991. I have been heavily involved in door-to-door visitation in my years at Mount Calvary. I have also given many challenges before door-to-door visitation, taught adult Sunday school numerous times, and ministered many times in special music in various capacities in the church.

As part of the College and Career ministry at Mount Calvary as well as on my own with a number of friends, I have ministered many times to other churches in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. We have held youth activities, ministered in preaching, teaching, and music, and engaged in visitation outreaches. We also helped one church extensively with yard work and other manual labor around the church.

I have also ministered during two summers overseas. I taught men in ministry or training for ministry, preached in churches, and evangelized many lost people.

In April-October 2010, the Lord provided me with 20 opportunities to preach and teach in nine churches in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. I then ministered 43 times in 42 days, including preaching 39 times. In addition to preaching in churches, my ministry included preaching in chapel services at four colleges, teaching three subjects for one week at a college, speaking for a family camp, speaking at an orphanage, and accompanying a college choir on my classical guitar in two services.

On February 8, 2011, God answered my prayers by allowing me to post for the first time on this website! Since then, I have had the privilege of posting 678 times on my site (as of August 9, 2014).

In 2011, I also had the privilege of continuing an itinerant preaching and teaching ministry that especially promoted evangelism that is fully in keeping with all that the Bible reveals about what He wants proclaimed throughout the world. The Lord opened up some opportunities to minister on that topic, and I hope for many more in the years ahead.

The Lord also allowed me in 2011 to finish a very special Bible reading project—reading through the Bible in Greek! Reading both the Septuagint and the Greek New Testament through that year was immensely valuable.

In 2012, the Lord directed me to be involved in Spanish ministry through teaching guitar classes in Spanish churches and ministering in the Spanish ministry of my local church. He also led me to begin serving in an outreach ministry at my church to children from a local elementary school.

The Lord has also directed me to study intensively all that Scripture teaches about music in recent years. In 2012, He led me to read through the book of Psalms 25 times so that my mind would be saturated and renewed thoroughly by His truth.

I now have a burden to instruct God’s people about music that is acceptable to Him. To that end, I have written numerous articles pertaining to the issue of CCM, and I hope to have opportunities in churches to help God’s people handle this serious problem properly.

This year, the Lord has directed me to write the lyrics for many new hymns, including a few in Spanish. I have also focused heavily on ministering musically at my church and on preparing myself further for Spanish ministry.

“To God be the glory—great things He hath done!”

See Recommendations.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

4 responses to A People for His Name: My Ministry Testimony

  1. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

  2. Rajesh, I truely thank our Lord for finding you and saving you! I was just pondering on the life of king Solomon after reading Ecclesiastes. My mind questioned the idea of how could he have sabotaged his eternal existence when the Holy Spirit moved so powerfully within him when writing what we now have as scripture.

    I very much appreciated the exceptional clarity of your explanations. They not only answered my questions, they powerfully acivated my intellect, but also allowed me to better consider my own relationship with the Lord and how far His love truely extends to those he loves.

    It also caused me to ponder the difference between “to those He loves” and “those who love Him” in the so often diligence adherence we as Christians seek to keep the Lord’s word rather than resting in it and God’s faithfulness. The father greatly loved both the older son and the returning prodigal.

    Please continue to expound the scripture from a true father’s heart. Blessing.?

    • Ted, I appreciate much your taking the time to share these encouraging words of the Lord’s use of some of the truths that He has given to me to set forth on my blog. The Lord be praised for His goodness to us in giving us His perfect Word! The Lord be with you.

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