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Faced with many hardships, Jacob exclaimed, “All these things are against me.”

Gen 42:36 And Jacob their father said unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me.

In reality, God was orchestrating the troubles that he was experiencing for great good for Jacob and the Israelites (cf. Gen. 50:20).

When we encounter hardship, especially multiple challenges at the same time, or sequentially, we should not respond like Jacob by thinking that everything that is happening is against us. Instead, we must view all that happens to us properly based on what God has told us He is actually doing:

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

With Paul, if you are a Christian, rest confidently in knowing that “all these things” are not against you. Rather, our Father is making them all work together for His glory and our greatest good.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

In His omniscience, God knows every thought that every angelic being, every human being, and every other thinking being has ever thought and will ever think. With His perfect knowledge, God has chosen to record for our profit *selected* thoughts of both angels and human beings.

Because God is perfect in His wisdom, we can be certain that He has recorded the thoughts of His creatures that are the most profitable for us to learn from. How carefully then ought we to study what God has revealed to us in His word about the godly and the ungodly self-talk of His creatures!

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

De varias maneras, la Escritura registra muchos ejemplos de la conversación impía con nosotros mismos. Los siguientes 11 ejemplos nos dan instrucciones acerca de la naturaleza diversa que tal discurso impío ha tomado.

  1. Gen 18:12 Se rió, pues, Sara entre sí, diciendo: ¿Después que he envejecido tendré deleite, siendo también mi señor ya viejo?
  2. Gen 42:36 Entonces su padre Jacob les dijo: Me habéis privado de mis hijos; José no parece, ni Simeón tampoco, y a Benjamín le llevaréis; contra mí son todas estas cosas.
  3. Pro 30:20 El proceder de la mujer adúltera es así: Come, y limpia su boca Y dice: No he hecho maldad.
  4. Isa 14:13 Tú que decías en tu corazón: Subiré al cielo; en lo alto, junto a las estrellas de Dios, levantaré mi trono, y en el monte del testimonio me sentaré, a los lados del norte; 14 sobre las alturas de las nubes subiré, y seré semejante al Altísimo.
  5. Isa 47:8 Oye, pues, ahora esto, mujer voluptuosa, tú que estás sentada confiadamente, tú que dices en tu corazón: Yo soy, y fuera de mí no hay más; no quedaré viuda, ni conoceré orfandad. 9 Estas dos cosas te vendrán de repente en un mismo día, orfandad y viudez; en toda su fuerza vendrán sobre ti, a pesar de la multitud de tus hechizos y de tus muchos encantamientos. 10 Porque te confiaste en tu maldad, diciendo: Nadie me ve. Tu sabiduría y tu misma ciencia te engañaron, y dijiste en tu corazón: Yo, y nadie más.
  6. Zep 1:12 Acontecerá en aquel tiempo que yo escudriñaré a Jerusalén con linterna, y castigaré a los hombres que reposan tranquilos como el vino asentado, los cuales dicen en su corazón: Jehová ni hará bien ni hará mal.
  7. Mat 24:48 Pero si aquel siervo malo dijere en su corazón: Mi señor tarda en venir;
  8. Luk 7:39 Cuando vio esto el fariseo que le había convidado, dijo para sí: Éste, si fuera profeta, conocería quién y qué clase de mujer es la que le toca, que es pecadora.
  9. Luk 12:17 Y él pensaba dentro de sí, diciendo: ¿Qué haré, porque no tengo dónde guardar mis frutos? 
  10. Rom 10:6 Pero la justicia que es por la fe dice así: No digas en tu corazón: ¿Quién subirá al cielo? (esto es, para traer abajo a Cristo); 7 o, ¿quién descenderá al abismo? (esto es, para hacer subir a Cristo de entre los muertos). 
  11. Rev 18:7 Cuanto ella se ha glorificado y ha vivido en deleites, tanto dadle de tormento y llanto; porque dice en su corazón: Yo estoy sentada como reina, y no soy viuda, y no veré llanto;

Debemos aprender de estos ejemplos impíos para no hablar con nosotros mismos en ninguna de las maneras pecaminosas que el Espíritu Santo ha registrado para nuestro beneficio en estos pasajes.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Every book of the Bible has one or more verses that speak about verbal communication in some manner. More than 8000 verses in Scripture contain such content.

The Bible truly is a book about verbal communication! Understanding what the Scripture teaches us about speech is of undeniable importance.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

El hablarnos a nosotros mismos correctamente es una disciplina cristiana esencial. Los siguientes 18 pasajes nos dan declaraciones bíblicas directas las cuales nos instruyen sobre lo que debemos decirnos a nosotros mismos.

  1. Psa 42:5 ¿Por qué te abates, oh alma mía, Y te turbas dentro de mí? Espera en Dios; porque aún he de alabarle, Salvación mía y Dios mío.
  2. Psa 42:11 ¿Por qué te abates, oh alma mía, Y por qué te turbas dentro de mí? Espera en Dios; porque aún he de alabarle, Salvación mía y Dios mío.
  3. Psa 43:5 ¿Por qué te abates, oh alma mía, Y por qué te turbas dentro de mí? Espera en Dios; porque aún he de alabarle, Salvación mía y Dios mío.
  4. Psa 62:5 Alma mía, en Dios solamente reposa, Porque de él es mi esperanza.  6 El solamente es mi roca y mi salvación. Es mi refugio, no resbalaré. 7 En Dios está mi salvación y mi gloria; En Dios está mi roca fuerte, y mi refugio.
  5. Psa 103:1 <Salmo de David.> Bendice, alma mía, a Jehová, Y bendiga todo mi ser su santo nombre.
  6. Psa 103:2 Bendice, alma mía, a Jehová, Y no olvides ninguno de sus beneficios.
  7. Psa 103:22 Bendecid a Jehová, vosotras todas sus obras, En todos los lugares de su señorío. Bendice, alma mía, a Jehová.
  8. Psa 104:1 Bendice, alma mía, a Jehová. Jehová Dios mío, mucho te has engrandecido; Te has vestido de gloria y de magnificencia.
  9. Psa 104:35 Sean consumidos de la tierra los pecadores, Y los impíos dejen de ser. Bendice, alma mía, a Jehová. Aleluya.
  10. Psa 111:1 <Aleluya.> Alabaré a Jehová con todo el corazón En la compañía y congregación de los rectos.
  11. Psa 116:7 Vuelve, oh alma mía, a tu reposo, Porque Jehová te ha hecho bien.
  12. Psa 131:2 En verdad que me he comportado y he acallado mi alma Como un niño destetado de su madre; Como un niño destetado está mi alma.
  13. Psa 146:1 <Aleluya.> Alaba, oh alma mía, a Jehová.
  14. Ecc 3:17 Y dije yo en mi corazón: Al justo y al impío juzgará Dios; porque allí hay un tiempo para todo lo que se quiere y para todo lo que se hace. 18 Dije en mi corazón: Es así, por causa de los hijos de los hombres, para que Dios los pruebe, y para que vean que ellos mismos son semejantes a las bestias.
  15. Lam 3:21 Esto recapacitaré en mi corazón, por lo tanto esperaré. 22 Por la misericordia de Jehová no hemos sido consumidos, porque nunca decayeron sus misericordias. 23 Nuevas son cada mañana; grande es tu fidelidad. 24 Mi porción es Jehová, dijo mi alma; por tanto, en él esperaré. 25 Bueno es Jehová a los que en él esperan, al alma que le busca. 26 Bueno es esperar en silencio la salvación de Jehová. 27 Bueno le es al hombre llevar el yugo desde su juventud.
  16. Mat 9:21 porque decía dentro de sí: Si tocare solamente su manto, seré salva.
  17. Luk 15:17 Y volviendo en sí, dijo: ¡Cuántos jornaleros en casa de mi padre tienen abundancia de pan, y yo aquí perezco de hambre! 18 Me levantaré e iré a mi padre, y le diré: Padre, he pecado contra el cielo y contra ti. 19 Ya no soy digno de ser llamado tu hijo; hazme como a uno de tus jornaleros.
  18. Heb 13:5 Sean vuestras costumbres sin avaricia, contentos con lo que tenéis ahora; porque él dijo: No te desampararé, ni te dejaré;  6 de manera que podemos decir confiadamente: El Señor es mi ayudador; no temeré Lo que me pueda hacer el hombre.




Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Scripture highlights women who marry, bear children, and joyfully mother them:

Psa 113:9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD.

1Ti 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

Tit 2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

In keeping with these passages, let us praise God for young women who marry, bear children, guide their homes, and do so as joyful mothers!
May God deliver us from the scourge of “Christian” feminists who despise stay-at-home moms.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Based on information from a friend, I downloaded this morning an excellent free audio transcription program: Express Scribe!

I have several audio sermons that I would like to transcribe and found that this software makes the task a lot easier. I praise God for this free resource!

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

While reading through Deuteronomy again, I was again struck with the importance of the divine revelation that it provides concerning differences between husbands and their wives:

Deu 24:5 When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

This passages shows us that God instructed His people that husbands had a responsibility to promote the cheerfulness of their wives.

The NT fully corroborates this teaching and goes far beyond it when it plainly reveals a crucial distinction between husbands and wives:

1Pe 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Through this statement, God has instructed His people that husbands must live with their wives with a proper recognition of and active consideration for her as being the weaker vessel.

Both Testaments thus are unequivocal in providing us with crucial teaching that makes clear that men and women are not equals in every way. Let us fully and wholeheartedly espouse what God has revealed in these passages and in many other related passages so that we will as Christians fully shine as lights in this dark world in the way that God wants us to.

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

A person who desires to abide in the presence of God has to be an upright person who lives all his life according to what God has revealed. God revealed to David a challenging aspect of being such a person:

Psa 15:4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.

This revelation teaches that when a righteous person makes a promise to someone, he is to keep his word even though it may cost him personally to do so.

Joshua 9 provides an excellent illustration of such uprightness. Because they had failed to ask counsel from God (Josh. 9:14), the Israelites were deceived by the people of Gibeon into making a league with them (Josh. 9:6) and making peace with them so that they would allow them to live (Josh. 9:15).

Although they had been deceived into doing so, the Israelites had to honor the commitment that they swore to them by the Lord:

Jos 9:19 But all the princes said unto all the congregation, We have sworn unto them by the LORD God of Israel: now therefore we may not touch them. 20 This we will do to them; we will even let them live, lest wrath be upon us, because of the oath which we sware unto them.

We should learn from this account that we must be very careful what promises we make to people and that we must keep our word when we do so in spite of how it may hurt us to do so.

Joshua 9 thus provides us with a sobering, excellent illustration of the necessity of keeping our word.



Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

For us as Christians, no matter what our current circumstances may be, it will always be true that the Lord has dealt bountifully with us. Therefore, we should sing unto the Lord as long as we live, just as the Psalmist says that he would do:

Psalm 13:6 I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 104:33 I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

Psalm 146:2 While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.

Let us sing to the Lord as long as we live!

Copyright © 2011-2024 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.