Archives For Discipleship

The doctrine of the dreadful destiny of the lost is an unpleasant shadow across biblical doctrine. So it is not very remarkable that the surveys of religious opinion, frequently reported in the press, will relate that of the same church people, who by strong majority believe in God, immortality, the divinity of Jesus and heaven, many dissent from a belief in hell. Yet that doctrine stands behind and enforces the need for the incarnation of the Son of God, His sinless life, and especially His substitutionary atonement and present ministry of intercession. It also sustains the common moral life of mankind and is indispensable to any strong apostolic fervor in Christian missions and evangelism.

—Robert Duncan Culver, Systematic Theology: Historical and Theological, 1074

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

This year, my Bible reading project is to read through the book of Psalms 25 times. After six months, I have made it through the book 10 times.

My tenth time was through the Books of the Bible version, which does not have any verse numbers. Using that version, I was able to read through the book in 2 days. Reading through the book in such a short time was very helpful in letting me see some things about the book that I have not seen before.

I’m planning to read through Psalms at least 3x in July.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Much guitar music comes with capo information designed to make the playing of the song easier. The chords in the original key are much harder to play than in the transposed key.

When more than one guitarist wants to play such songs together, normally all have to use capos to play together in the new key. When someone does not have a capo or when they all want to play in the new key without using a capo, those who want to play the melody or other parts usually have a very difficult time transposing the notes to the new key.

An alternate approach that solves this problem is for guitarists to learn how to transpose mentally the notes so that they can be played in the new key without the use of a capo. My Capo 1 Note Transposition Chart shows how to do so for songs that are marked as “Capo 1”!

Using this chart and practicing such transposing opens up a vast number of additional possibilities of playing guitar songs in various keys.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Scripture speaks in a number of places of people who suffered severe physical affliction that did not have “natural” causes (e.g. unhealthy lifestyle, accidents, or advanced age):

—Job had no idea that his physical affliction was caused by Satan (Job 2:7).

—Luke provides no indication to us that the woman who had been crippled for 18 years knew that her infirmity was caused by Satan, but he does record that Jesus made known (after He had healed her) that it was  (Luke 13:16).

—Herod “was eaten of worms” and died because the angel of the Lord had smitten him (Acts 12:23), but we have no indication that he knew of the supernatural cause of his fatal illness.

Given this data (and other related biblical teaching), it seems to me that we need to consider more often than we probably have been doing that the serious physical afflictions that some people suffer from may be the direct result of supernatural activity that they have been the objects of without their having any knowledge of such activity.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

This year, I have been studying at length the topic of the Christian and his music. In my research, I found two online articles that were helpful:

Music that Glorifies God – 37-page article by Pastor Mike Harding –

Evaluating Music Biblically – 11-page article by George Stouffer, Bible and ministry instructor –

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Nothing in the Blood is a good song for learning to play some basic guitar chords: A, E, and E7. This PDF explains thoroughly how to change from chord to chord in this simplifed version of this hymn.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Practicing these Right Hand Finger Exercises will help you to play the guitar better by improving the coordination of your right hand.

This chart provides four exercises to practice. Each exercise begins with the right thumb resting on the sixth string and all four fingers of the right hand close to the first string. Start out slowly and build up speed gradually in each exercise.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Guitar chords, melody notes (on 4th string), and first stanza in my guitar music format for playing and singing the hymn Begone, Unbelief.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Updated Music Page!

June 8, 2012

If you play the guitar, you might find some helpful stuff on my updated Music page, which now features the following resources for guitar players:

—Sheet Music: 5 songs and one chord study

—Guitar Chords, Melody Notes, and First Stanza: 10 songs in an easy to play format

—Other Music: 2 simple ensemble pieces in four parts

—Articles: 6 articles to help you play the guitar better

—Instructional Resources: 5 pages that provide instructions about various guitar topics

—Spanish Ministry Resources: 3 songs and a chord chart formatted for use with Spanish music

—Videos: 2 videos of duets featuring classical guitar, Irish low whistle, tin whistle, and uilleann pipes

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

I Will Praise Him! in my guitar music format that provides guitar chords, melody notes, and first stanza of the song.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.