Archives For Testimony

About three years, God began directing me in a path that I had never expected that He would. A pastor of a local Spanish church called me and asked if I would come and teach guitar at his church.

Although I had been praying for some time for an opportunity to teach guitar classes again, I had never thought about doing so in a Spanish church. The only Spanish that I had had was one semester in Junior High, so I was quite surprised to get such an opportunity.

As I began teaching the class, I soon became convinced that I really needed to learn Spanish so that I could communicate better with my students and teach them better. I began trying to learn Spanish, especially terms related to guitar and music theory.

Although trying to learn the language proved very challenging, God gave me many encouragements along the way. In spite of my having found it hard on several occasions to understand from a larger perspective why God would lead me in this direction that had never occurred to me, I did come to realize early on that learning Spanish and ministering in Spanish makes great sense for me because of how popular the guitar is in Spanish contexts.

Starting to Read the Bible in Spanish

As I continued to teach guitar classes in Spanish and have some opportunities to minister musically in a few churches, I became more convinced that God was directing me to learn Spanish for the sake of ministering in Spanish. I praise God that He blessed me with wonderful fellowship with many dear brethren throughout this time!

I began trying to read the Bible in Spanish and found it to be very difficult. At times, it would often take me many minutes to read and understand even one verse. Still, I managed in 2012 to read the book of Psalms in Spanish.

In 2013, I continued to try to learn Spanish on my own. I finished the Gospel of Matthew early in 2013 and made it through James, Galatians, and First, Second, and Third John by the end of the year.

Reading Through the Bible in Spanish in 2014

I began 2014 with an intense desire to read the entire Bible in Spanish this year. Reading in the Old Testament, especially in the Pentateuch, was incredibly hard, and I wondered if I would make it through.

God remained faithful to me even though there were times that I would find myself wondering again what am I doing trying to learn Spanish and minister in that language. In spite of many difficulties, God has allowed me to make much progress during the year so that my reading speed has continued to increase substantially.

Praise God, last Sunday, on November 23, 2014, I was able by the grace of God to finish reading through the Reina Valera in 2014! Wherever God leads us, as He has done with me in leading me down the completely unexpected path of learning Spanish for ministry, He is faithful to give us the grace to follow!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

¡Alabado sea Dios!

November 23, 2014

Comencé este año con la meta de leer toda la Biblia en español este año. Por la gracia de Dios, esta mañana he terminado de leer toda la Biblia en español para este año. ¡Alabado sea Dios!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

With permission from Mr. Homer Chinn, a faithful member of my church, I am posting this testimony with the hope that God will use it to bring many people to Himself. May the Lord also greatly encourage many of His own through this message of His great goodness to this man whom He has saved for His glory.

My name is Homer Chinn. I’m a machinist for a company called Honeywell Aerospace where we repair and overhaul turbine engines. About 23 years ago, God saw fit to begin a work in my family.

It all began one Saturday morning when I was working on an old lawnmower. I began to get hot and frustrated so my daughter Amanda, who was only 5, was playing in the yard nearby so I sent her in the house to get me a beer and she said, “No, daddy.”

I didn’t think she heard me so I told her again, “I said Amanda go in the house and get your daddy a beer.” And she just bowed up on me and she said, “No, daddy.”

I knew then that she heard me and I got mad so I said, “Amanda, do you want a spanking”? She said, “No, sir.” Well, I said, “Go in the house, and get your daddy a beer!”

She said, “Daddy, I can’t.” I said, “Well, why not?” She said, “Because they are bad for you.”

I said, “Where did you learn that at?” She said, “At church.” When she said that, God spoke to me through that, and the weight of that just convicted me severely of my sin. I’d never felt that shame like that before.

So needless to say, I didn’t say anything else to her the rest of the day but that bothered me the rest of the day and for a couple of weeks after that. And it had gotten to where I wanted to go to church with my family but I knew if I went to church, God would require me to give up my sin, and I just didn’t want to.

But about 2 weeks later, I was sitting at the kitchen table on a Sunday morning. I started drinking again already then, and I heard my family come in from church. I heard the car door slam, and I heard one of the children skipping up the steps and come through the back door.

It was my daughter Amanda again. She crawled right up in my lap, looked me dead in the eyes. She said, “Daddy said, ‘Jesus died for me and you,’ didn’t He?”

And when she said that, the shame laid heavy on me and I never felt so ashamed in all my life. I was reared in church but had gotten out of it and when I got to be a teenager.

So I knew the truth that Christ had died for our sin but it was God speaking to me clearly through my daughter that day that really got my attention and made it hit home that He had died for me. The shame of her—a 5-year old, 40-pound little girl— telling me the truth, and here I was a grown man supposed to be teaching her weighed heavily on me.

So for another two weeks I resisted and fought it, but one Sunday morning I got up when they got up to get ready to go to church. I got up and went with them.

I thought that I had to go to church to get saved but by the grace of God that Sunday morning I went with them. I was tired of carrying that weight of sin. God had dealt with me and it grew heavy.

So I went to a little country church there in Traveler’s Rest that Sunday morning, and I don’t remember the Sunday school class. I don’t remember the sermon, but they sang the perfect hymnal invitation song for me, and that was “Just As I Am,” and I listened to that song real close, and I knew I had nothing to bring to the Lord but sin.

I had heard before some people thought you had to get cleaned up before God saved you but that’s not right. You just submit yourself, humble yourself before God, and He’ll do the saving.

So that day I walked forward on the last verse of the hymn and gave my life to Christ. Pastor knelt there at the altar and led me to Christ, and immediately my life began to change.

We were in a ministry like that for a couple of years and a couple of years into that ministry God began to show me some looseness and sin in that church that even I knew wasn’t right. I had no family here, I had nowhere to go for counsel, but I would lock myself in the bathroom and commit that to prayer.

And God in His mercy a year or two after I committed that to prayer one day led us to Mount Calvary. It was in the providence of God He allowed me to work with a godly young man named Lenny Bundy who has become a dear friend of mine. It was through his testimony and his walk with the Lord that I came to visit the church here.

My children and I just really plugged into the ministry here and began to grow. But as we began to grow, the trials and opposition came from some dear loved ones too. But I thank God through those trials He crowded us closer to Him. He taught us to take sin and living for Him much more serious than we ever knew how to before.

I saw God do some tremendous work in my girls’ lives which was I’ll forever be thankful. It was here God began to teach me how to pray, a little bit about prayer, the privilege of prayer, the power there is in prayer.

So I began to pray for my children and through prayer God opened many doors for them. He gave them access to people and things that could teach them things I couldn’t. It was through prayer God provided them some godly husbands and gave me some godly son-in-laws Tyler and Wesley for which I’ll always be thankful. And, now I’m going to get the privilege of being a grandfather!

So if you are here today, dear friend, and you don’t know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Yes, you may know His name, you may know some facts about Him, but until you know Him as your personal Savior from sin, you’ll never get to go to heaven.

It was here I learned what God had called me to do. So I ask you the same question today, “What has God called you to do? Why are you here today? Do you know your purpose?”

Listen closely to the messages today. If God speaks to your heart, be willing to surrender and yield to that—don’t resist. And obey whatever He lead you to do so God can save you so you can come to know the peace which passeth all understanding so you can come to know what your will is in your life and live your life for the Lord.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Hechos 15:13-14 dice, “ Y cuando ellos callaron, Jacobo respondió diciendo: Varones hermanos, oídme. Simón ha contado cómo Dios visitó por primera vez a los gentiles, para tomar de ellos pueblo para su nombre.” Estos versículos nos muestra que en el Concilio de Jerusalén, Jacobo compartió cómo Pedro había declarado “cómo Dios visitó por primera vez a los gentiles, para tomar de ellos pueblo para su nombre” (Hechos 15:14). Lo que Dios comenzó en ese entonces en Cesarea, Él continúa con su labor en todo el mundo.

Como gentil a quien ha llevado a estar entre su pueblo, deseo de perpetuar la glorificación de Dios mismo por medio de sacar a muchas más personas por causa del Nombre. Por esta razón, he escogido un pueblo para su Nombre como título para mi ministerio.

Dios me salvó en 1990 y me puso en la Iglesia Bautista Calvario en Cookeville, Tennessee. Con los años, he servido allí en muchas capacidades, incluyendo la enseñanza para la Escuela Bíblica de vacaciones y la escuela dominical en numerosas ocasiones, así como predicar muchas veces. También he estado muy involucrado en el ministerio de la juventud en el Calvario de varias maneras desde que asistí allí.

Dios me trajo a la Iglesia Bautista Monte Calvario en Greenville, Carolina del Sur, en 1991. He estado muy involucrado en las visitas de puerta a puerta en mis años en el Monte Calvario. También he dado muchos desafíos antes de las visitas de puerta a puerta, también he enseñado adultos de la escuela dominical en numerosas ocasiones, y ministrado muchas veces en música especial en varias capacidades en la iglesia.

Como parte del ministerio de estudiantes universitarios en el Monte Calvario, así como por mi cuenta con un número de amigos, he ministrado muchas veces en otras iglesias en Carolina del Sur, Carolina del Norte, Georgia y Tennessee. Hemos llevado a cabo actividades para la juventud, ministramos en predicación, la enseñanza, y la música, y participamos en los alcances de visita. También ayudamos a una iglesia extensamente con el trabajo de jardinería y otros trabajos manuales alrededor de la iglesia.

También he ministrado durante dos veranos en el extranjero. Enseñé a los hombres que estaban en el ministerio o en la formación para el ministerio, prediqué en las iglesias, y evangelizé muchas personas perdidas.

De Abril a Octubre de 2010, el Señor me dio 20 oportunidades para predicar y enseñar en nueve iglesias en Carolina del Sur, Carolina del Norte, Georgia y Tennessee. Entonces ministré 43 veces en 42 días, incluyendo la predicación 39 veces. Además de predicar en las iglesias, mi ministerio incluyó la predicación en servicios de capilla en cuatro colegios, enseñando tres temas durante una semana en un colegio, hablé en un campamento familiar, en un orfanato, y acompañé a un coro de una universidad con mi guitarra clásica en dos servicios.

El 8 de febrero de 2011, Dios respondió a mis oraciones al permitirme publicar por primera vez en mi sitio web! Desde entonces, he tenido el privilegio de publicar 685 veces en mi sitio (como de 29 de agosto de 2014).

En el 2011, también tuve el privilegio de continuar un ministerio de predicación itinerante y enseñanza que promueve especialmente el evangelismo que está totalmente de acuerdo con todo lo que la Biblia revela acerca de lo que Él quiere proclamado en todo el mundo. El Señor abrió algunas oportunidades para ministrar en ese tema, y espero que para muchos más en los próximos años.

El Señor también me permitió terminar en el 2011 un proyecto de lectura muy especial de la Biblia leyendola en griego en el 2011! Leyendo tanto la Septuaginta y el griego del Nuevo Testamento a través de ese año fue inmensamente valioso.

En el 2012, el Señor me dirijó a participar en el ministerio en español a través de la enseñanza de clases de guitarra en las iglesias españolas y ministrando en el ministerio en español de mi iglesia local. También me llevó a comenzar a servir en un ministerio de alcance en mi iglesia a los niños de una escuela primaria local.

El Señor también me ha dirigido en los últimos años a estudiar intensamente todo lo que la Escritura enseña acerca de la música. En el 2012, Él me llevó a leer a través del libro de los Salmos 25 veces para que mi mente se saturara y se renovara a fondo por su verdad.

En los últimos tres años, también he tenido el privilegio de ayudar a editar dos libros, La Biografía del Dr. Frank Garlock, y un libro por Shelly Hamilton, “¿Por qué yo no escucho la música cristiana contemporánea.”

Ahora tengo una carga para instruir al pueblo de Dios acerca de la música que es aceptable para Él. Para ello, he escrito numerosos artículos relacionados con el tema de la CCM, y espero tener oportunidades en las iglesias para ayudar al pueblo de Dios manejar este grave problema correctamente.

Este año, el Señor me ha dirigido para escribir las letras para muchos de los nuevos himnos, entre ellos algunos en español. También me he centrado en gran medida en el ministerio musical en mi iglesia y en prepararme más para el ministerio en español.

El 17 de agosto de este año, el Señor me dio el privilegio de enseñar en la escuela dominical y la predicación del mensaje de la mañana en una iglesia en español que es local. El Señor gentilmente permitió que ambos servicios fuera mucho mejor de lo que esperaba. ¡Alabado sea Dios!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

This Sunday, I taught Sunday school and preached in Spanish for the morning service at a local Spanish church. It was my first time to minister entirely in Spanish without any help from a translator.

My teaching and especially my preaching went far better than I was expecting, and the Lord gave me remarkable fluidity and clarity in speaking Spanish such as I have never had before in my life! Many people expressed their gratefulness for the clarity of my speaking and how easy it was for them to understand what I ministered.

Although I did have some trouble pronouncing a number of words and had to resay quite a few, my doing so does not seem to have hindered people from readily receiving the truths that were ministered. Even though I had manuscripted virtually everything that I said and was just reading what I had written, the people were attentive in such an encouraging way that I know that their doing so was a direct answer to many prayers.

I’d like to thank everyone who prayed over the past few weeks for my Spanish ministry this past weekend. Most of all, I thank and praise God for His graciously and abundantly empowering and enabling me to minister effectively in a language that I am by no means fluent in at this point!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Sometime after I became a Christian, I was thrilled to find out that I was born in a Canadian Presbyterian mission hospital that was located in the small town in India where my lost family lived at that time. What’s more, in one of my visits to that town after I was saved, my uncle took me to meet some people who knew what took place every day at the hospital—the doctors and nurses would begin every day by praying for all the patients that they would see that day.

On the day that my mom was brought to that hospital, those who helped deliver me had undoubtedly prayed for the children who would be born on that day. Amazingly, even though no one in my family was a believer—in fact, my mom and all the rest of my family were devout followers of another religion—God so ordered my mom’s life that I was born safely in a mission hospital in answer to the prayers of believers who selflessly sought to serve the people to whom they ministered!

I look forward to meeting someday in heaven the doctor and nurses who helped bring me safely into the world through both their prayers and their medical ministry! I’m sure they will rejoice greatly to learn that at least one baby that was born in their ministry was eventually saved in part because of their prayers!

Praise the Lord!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

The testimony of Dr. Mary Kraus exalts the Lord for His goodness to her. She gave me permission to share it so that many other people would be blessed by learning what the Lord has done for her.


What Really Matters?

I was fifteen when I stood one December Saturday at the top of the head wall on Rib Mountain in central Wisconsin. The snow was squeaky cold under my skis, and the trees and hills below glittered in the frosty sun.

I was anticipating a good fast run when I suddenly felt an overwhelming love from the God who had given me life and a body with senses, and a world that so thrilled and satisfied me. I was attending a Catholic High school and had just heard a priest invite us to consider giving our lives to God as priests or nuns. At that moment, I thought the most fulfilling thing I could do with my life would be to pursue a union with the Source of all that I had and was.

I had grown up in a Catholic family, attended parochial school and was taught that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and had become a man Who loved me and died on the Cross for all our sins. But at that moment of grace atop a ski hill, I fell in love with Jesus Christ and knew that He died for me.

I was the neighborhood scrapper, the practical joker who brought squirt guns to school to liven up the legs of my sixth grade classmates during change of classes when our desktops were raised. I picked fights with people just because I didn’t like the way they looked.

I was a sinner all right, and when I finally got hold of the concept that my rebellion and meanness put those nails in Jesus’ hands and feet, I became a new person. In those days, my favorite passage of Scripture was Luke 12:32-34,

“Do not be afraid little flock, for your father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

I was yet to learn by experience the truth of these words.

But I knew what it was to be loved, even before God’s love became real to me. Although I never realized it until later, my human father was a tremendous reflection of God’s love for me. It was easy for me to believe in God’s love because of him.

As I grew up, he taught me everything that mattered: How to enjoy a good storm from our back porch, how to recognize a blue jay’s call, how to play tennis, make a fire, appreciate a sunset, and read good books.

In my sixteenth year he died. Even now, sixty years later, I thank God for him and for my mother too who had her good hand on my life through her example of service to us and to many others outside of our family.

After that moment of grace atop Rib Mt., I attended Mass daily and looked forward to the time when I could prove to myself and to God that I was willing to give up His gifts in order to seek the Source and Giver of the gifts. So at eighteen I entered a Franciscan convent and began college classes and the routine religious life.

After my training, I taught in parochial grade schools for thirteen years but a sense of stagnation both spiritual and psychological set in and grew. This was now the late 60s when the old structures were no longer trusted. I lost my early ideals and left the convent for all the wrong reasons.

I decided to live my own life, thinking I could do better than to wait for the church and community to settle their direction. So for four years I lived a worldly life while teaching in public high schools and in South Korea as a Peace Corps volunteer.

But during this time God taught me the experience of, “Vanity of vanities…All is vanity!” All the while doing my own thing, I became increasingly depressed, and finally decided that like Don Quixote I needed to return to my early ideals no matter how impractical and unreasonable they were. So I returned to the convent for nine years until the old sense of stagnation set in again.

Then I earnestly began praying for direction. Here I was in my 40s and still not settled! What shall I do?

God answered my prayer, introduced me to fundamental Christians and eventually brought me down to a Christian University where I taught until retiring after thirty years. It took me too long to learn by experience the truth of Philippians 3:8 that all things are worthless in comparison to knowing Christ.

(Scripture from NASB)

Read a fuller testimony by Dr. Kraus here

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Recently, I had the unhappy experience of sitting in church and having an immodestly1 dressed woman come sit somewhat nearby on the same pew that I was sitting. Although she was not dressed appropriately, she was friendly, as was her husband who sat on the other side of her.

Her sitting near me dressed as she was created internal struggle for me as I had to fight to keep my thoughts right. Her presence was a considerable distraction to me as I tried to attend to the message being preached.

After the service, I greeted both of them and tried to be friendly. I especially did so because I thought that they might be unbelievers who had come to visit the church that I was in that Sunday. 

Her attire made it difficult to carry on a conversation with her, but God gave me grace to extend myself to her and her husband. I learned from talking to them that she had grown up in a solid Christian church.

I have no doubt in my mind that this professing Christian woman was not clueless about how her wearing immodest clothing would affect men who see her. In spite of her being a really nice person, it was wrong for her to dress that way in public—especially in the context of a church service (Rom. 13:10, 14; 14:21; 1 Cor. 10:32)!

It is bad enough that we are continually assaulted by indecently dressed women in public places like Walmart (especially many of their cashiers). To have a similar experience in church, however, is so much worse!

Perhaps, godly women in churches should discreetly start passing out shawls in such situations so that divine worship is not hindered and the testimony of the gospel is properly maintained (1 Tim. 2:9).

1 In fact, she was the one of the most immodestly dressed women that I have ever encountered in a church service.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Stephanie Heimann, a friend from my church, recently gave her testimony to be baptized. God blessed me greatly through her testimony. With her permission, I am sharing her testimony so that He can bless many others through it.

A Grace Story

Stephanie Heimann’s testimony for baptism

“Give thanks to the Lord . . .  for He satisfies the thirsty soul . . .” ~Psalm 107

I spent years of my life looking for something to satisfy my soul . . . and I never would have found the One who can (on my own) . . . so He came and found me.

When I was a child, I believed that Jesus died and rose again. So, I thought I was a Christian. I was baptized. There were times when I wanted to read my Bible and pray, but those seasons of devotion did not last. I had a long season of rebellion.

But, God granted me repentance and after He did, I wondered, “Was I really a Christian when I was a child or did God save me when I was an adult?” The latter seemed true, but I could not understand how I could have had affection for God when I was a child if I was not a child of God.

I have been trying to understand this for many years, and recently, the Lord used the testimony of Jonathan Edwards to help me to understand my own.

When Edwards was a child, there were times when he spent a lot of time praying and reading his Bible, but those seasons of devotion did not last. After he became a true Christian, he looked back at his childhood affections for God and said, “I am ready to think [that] many are deceived . . . [by] such affections . . . and mistake it for grace.” That one sentence explained my experience.

I had mistaken my childhood affection for God . . . for grace. And, for a time it may have seemed like I was a Christian, but difficulty was coming and that difficulty would reveal the true condition of my heart.

When I was in 7th grade, my church and Christian school fell apart. One of the pastors was sent to prison. After this, my faith was tested and I failed the test. The testing revealed that my faith was superficial.

I claimed to be a Christian, but I didn’t want to be like Christ. I wanted to be like the world (I John 2:15-16, James 4:4).

I rebelled against my parents. I was a fool (Prov. 15:5). My life would have been so much better had I obeyed them, but I didn’t. I wanted to live the way I wanted to live, and I thought that I would be able to go to heaven no matter what I did (1 Cor.6:9-10, Gal 5:19-21, Rev. 22:15) as long as I believed that Jesus died and rose again (James 2:19). But, I didn’t know that Christianity is a commitment of submission to the King, and becoming a Christian is supernatural act where God changes a person’s heart and gives them a desire to know God and obey Him.

I didn’t want to know God and obey Him. I just wanted to be able to go to heaven. I missed the whole point of the gospel (2 Cor. 5:17-19). I didn’t want to be reconciled to God because I didn’t want Him to tell me how to live.

I thought I would be happy if I went my own way (Isaiah 53:6). But, I was wrong. I pursed emptiness and became empty (Jer. 2:5). I started drinking and going to parties . .  .

I was searching for something to satisfy my restless soul. But nothing in this world could. I felt like something was missing in my life . . . I didn’t know that the thing that was missing was God.

One night I went to the bar with my friends. The next morning I was in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. I was sitting in darkness (Psalm 107:10-11, Is. 9:2). I wasn’t seeking God . . . but He was seeking me.

And, suddenly, I became aware of His presence. He opened my eyes and made me see reality. And, I thought, “What am I doing here?”

Then I had a horrible experience. I realized, “I am here because this is who I am. I am a sinner”. I could see that I was throwing my life away and I knew I was going to die if I kept going my own way . . . and I could see that the pleasures of sin could not satisfy my soul.

I thought, “What is the point of life? There has to be more to life than this.”

Then it was as if God said, “There is . . . there is so much more to life than this . . . if you will follow Me.” Then God gave me a glimpse of hope that the soul-satisfying happiness I was looking for would be found in Him (Psalm 16:11). It was as if Jesus was saying, “Come to me . . ., and I will satisfy your soul” (John 7:37; 6:35; 4:14)  . . .  and I did.

I believed Him because He gave me grace—He delighted in me and gave me a heart that was capable of delighting in Him. I didn’t want my sin anymore. I wanted God.

I started to read the Bible, and I started to know the One who satisfies restless souls—and nothing compares to the joy of knowing Him. He has completely changed my life.

He answered the prayers of my parents.

Tonight, I can say, “Jesus has done everything for me, and I want to follow Him.”


Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

This evening, I had the very unpleasant experience of learning that I had failed to do what I should have in helping a friend with a simple but vital task—remembering the restrictions passcode for his iphone 4. When he asked me to enter the passcode so that he could add some more restrictions to his use of the phone, I realized that I had not written down the numbers that I had entered a few weeks ago as the passcode.

I frantically tried various number combinations that I thought might work, but none of them would work. I then went online to see if there might be some way to reset the phone even though we did not know the passcode.

My internet search proved to be useless, and I became more disturbed at my carelessness. Finally, I decided to pray and ask God for mercy on me in spite of my irresponsibility.

As soon as I finished praying, the thought came into my mind to try a certain number combination that I had not yet tried. I praise and thank God that He put in my mind the right combination, which I had previously been unable to remember at all for the past 15-20 minutes or more!

For the unbeliever, what I experienced was just mere co-incidence of two unrelated events—my praying and my trying a certain number combination. I, however, have no doubt that what happened was not mere coincidence, but rather it was answered prayer by a living God who chose to have mercy on my friend and me!

Praise God!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.