Archives For Testimony

A few months ago, I received an outrageous monthly bill from a company that I have been doing business with for many years. My bill was more than double what it was for the same time last year.

As soon as I discovered this problem, I contacted the company to tell them that there had to be some error with the bill. Based on what they told me, I assured them that they had made some major mistake because it was impossible that the bill was correct.

Despite several efforts to have the problem corrected, I was not able to get the company to acknowledge that they had made a serious error. I asked prayer from my church, at work, from friends, and we prayed often about it at home.

Through contact with a lawyer, I learned of a state agency that investigates complaints from people who have had such problems. After their initial investigation, I was disappointed that the regulator was siding with the company against me.

I continued to pray and pondered what to do next. Meanwhile, at my request, the investigator agreed to dig deeper into the possibility of either faulty equipment or a reading error or both being responsible for my outrageous bill.

I received word yesterday that further investigation showed that the company had in fact made a major error with my bill. What’s more, the investigator let me know that my actual bill for that period was even less than what it was for the same period last year.

Instead of having to pay the remainder of that outrageous bill, I have now received a credit for making a partial payment that was still for more than what we actually owed! I praise God for leading us to persist prayerfully in disputing this bill and for His finally delivering us from this problem through that prayerful persistence!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Habiendo nacido en la India, yo crecí en Macomb, Illinois, donde mi padre era profesor de matemáticas en la Universidad de Western Illinois. Aunque mis padres eran jainistas devotos, no adoctrinaron a mis hermanas ni a mí.

Cuando era niño, estaba expuesto un poco al cristianismo, pero sabía muy poco acerca de las creencias cristianas específicas. Recuerdo vagamente cuando estaba en la primaria que algún grupo me dio una pequeña NT en mi escuela pública, pero no fui capaz de realmente leer con ningún entendimiento (no recuerdo que realmente intenté leerlo muchas veces de todos modos).

En algún momento durante mi niñez, fui conmovido de una manera que yo no podía comprender en ese tiempo por las escenas de la crucifixión y la resurrección de la película Ben Hur. Yo también estaba expuesto y conmovido por las escenas cristianas en otras películas como la de la Túnica.

Como estudiante en la universidad, estaba expuesto a algunas creencias cristianas a través de amigos, libros, y de vez en cuando mi asistencia a la iglesia y a otras reuniones religiosas. Recuerdo ser conmovido de manera inexplicable en varias ocasiones en que asistí a un Centro Católico Newman en el campus de la Universidad de Western Illinois. A pesar de que a mí no me importaba acerca de- ni entendía- todo lo demás que fue dicho o hecho en esos servicios, encontré – a pesar de que yo era una persona perdida en ese entonces- que el canto de la oración del Señor (del padrenuestro) cerca del final de cada servicio era una experiencia ricamente gratificante y conmovedora.

Al mudarme a Cookeville, TN, me dediqué intensamente a la enseñanza y las prácticas de la Nueva Era por algún tiempo. Muchas veces medité y me ocupé en la auto-hipnosis mientras escuchaba la música barroca. Algunas de las cintas de música que usaba regularmente en esas actividades incluyeron los cantos, “Jesús, alegría de los hombres.”[1] Aunque oía estas grandes piezas de música cristiana una y otra vez, no tenía ninguna comprensión verdadera de lo que estaba escuchando en esos momentos.

En una ocasión, entré en una librería cristiana en un centro comercial en Springfield, IL. Mientras hojeaba algunos libros, encontré algunos que advirtieron que el movimiento de la Nueva Era era satánico. Algo en esos libros me habló, y empecé a preocuparme por lo que estaba haciendo.

A medida que pasaba el tiempo, estuve más interesado en el cristianismo. Una visita a la Biblioteca Pública en Cookeville, TN, trajo algunos libros cristianos a mi atención. De las docenas, quizás cientos de libros en la biblioteca acerca de la religión, Dios me dirigió a leer varios que presentaron Su verdad a mí.

Un libro que me acuerdo de leer se llama El Plan increíble de Dios. Este libro me proporcionó con un rico panorama de todo el narrativo de la Biblia, aunque todavía no fui salvo en ese momento.

A través de mi lectura, estaba expuesto de alguna manera a la oración modelo de Mateo 6, y recuerdo que recé esa oración muchas veces antes de ser salvo. Dios también me llevó a leer algunos libros de apologética que me presentaban evidencias de la historicidad de la resurrección.

A través de esa lectura acerca de la resurrección, así como a través de mi lectura de un tratado que alguien puso en el parabrisas de mi coche, por fin Dios abrió mis ojos y me salvó, en enero de 1990. Yo creía que Dios había resucitado a Jesús de entre los muertos y le pedí que me salvara.

Mirando hacia atrás a todas las diversas influencias que Dios usó a través de los últimos años para traerme a Sí mismo, yo le alabo a Él por su gran misericordia en guardarme de muchas maneras de la ruina espiritual. ¡A Dios sea la gloria, porque ha hecho tan grandes cosas!

(Para leer mi testimonio en Inglés, ver este post, How I Became a Christian)


[1] La traducción literal del título de Inglés de la canción es “Jesús, alegría de desear del hombre.”

*Me gustaría dar las gracias a mi amigos Jason Boyle y D. Medina por su ayuda en la traducción de mi testimonio al español.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Job experienced horrific loss and responded properly to it by saying, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return hither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). On a far, far lesser scale, I have recently experienced similar circumstances that have prompted me to be mindful of blessing the Lord who gives and takes away.

Substantial Savings on Prescription Medication

Because of a somewhat serious but controllable medical condition and because I have minimal insurance coverage, I have to spend a relatively large amount of money every few months on two prescription medications. No generic forms of these drugs are available, and it is essential that I not miss even one dose.

Recently, my doctor gave me a discount card from the makers of one of these drugs. Through enrolling in the discount program that this company offers, I was able to save more than 76% last week on a refill for one of these prescription drugs!

I rejoiced in God’s goodness and praised Him for providing this means for me to reduce so much the cost of this necessary medication! When this happened, I was also thinking that the Lord had blessed me in a special way that would help meet financial needs that I have so that I would have more resources to pay for other expenses.

Substantial Loss of Income Because of Bad Weather

Because of a very severe winter storm, however, I have had to cancel four classes this week that I normally teach each week. Not having those classes has caused me to lose almost exactly the same amount of money this week that I saved last week through the discount card on my prescription medication.

I Bless the Lord Who Gives and Takes Away

It is not coincidental that these two events have taken place in such a short span of time. Undoubtedly, the Lord is using them to teach me to trust Him more for meeting all my needs.

Although my experience with saving a fair amount of money and then losing almost exactly that same amount does not even begin to compare with what Job experienced, I am confident that the Lord wants me to learn to respond as Job did. With Job, I do bless the Lord who gives and takes away!

“The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). Let us bless the Lord who gives and takes away.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

For most of the past year, I wanted to participate in door-to-door evangelism through my church but was not able to because I could not figure out a good way to resolve the scheduling difficulties that I faced with doing so. As a result, last year was the first year that I did not engage in that ministry on as regular a basis as I have in all my previous years of being a believer.

This past Saturday, I really wanted to go out and evangelize Spanish people in the neighborhoods of my church. I ended up not going out because it rained most of the day and because I was not able to find someone to go with me.

On Sunday morning, I woke up and read my Bible, as I usually do. After doing so, a thought came to my mind while I was getting ready to go to church—a thought that was not at all connected with anything that I had read in Scripture that morning.

I was amazed that this thought came to my mind because I had not prayed about this matter and had not talked with anyone else about it. In fact, I had not even given any thought that morning to the subject matter that the thought concerned!

As soon as it came into my mind, I realized that I now had a good solution to the scheduling difficulties that for some time now had made it unworkable for me to participate regularly in visitation ministry through my church. I thanked God for graciously giving me direction about this matter that was really important to me!

Thanks to this insight, I was able to go on visitation this past Sunday afternoon for the first time in many months. I even shared with my evangelism partner how this solution had come to my mind and provided me with a feasible way to participate in this ministry when I am not able to go out at other times during the week.

I marvel at the simplicity of the solution that God gave to my situation—a solution that had never occurred to me in all my thinking about how to resolve the problem. I have no doubt in my mind that God told me what to do to solve my problem.

Furthermore, He did so without my praying about it or getting counsel from anyone else. He also did so without my getting any direction from Scripture about solving such a problem.

Does God tell ordinary believers what to do today about specific matters that Scripture does not address? I believe that He who lives within us can and does do so, as He sees fit!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

For several days this past week, a relative of mine suffered from painful tension headaches. We think that the pain from the headaches was also responsible for her blood pressure being up considerably beyond what it normally is.

She tried taking Aspirin, which helped some but did not provide her much relief from the headaches. Meanwhile, her BP was getting quite high, which caused many of us considerable anxiety.

A friend recommended that she try a product containing acetaminophen and caffeine specifically made for tension headaches. Although she experienced some benefit, the headaches did not go away. In fact, after a while, this product did not seem to help her much at all.

Concerned about her elevated BP, we sought professional medical advice. We were relieved to learn that her BP was not so high that it needed immediate attention. The doctor advised us to keep treating the headaches with pain medication and monitor her BP and other symptoms closely.

Some relatives came to visit us and suggested that we try massaging her scalp with coconut oil, a home remedy often used in India for such conditions. After one of them had spent about 15 minutes applying the oil to all her hair and massaging it into her scalp, she experienced remarkable relief from her tension headaches within 30 minutes or so!

Even her countenance, which had seemed sickly for a couple days, looked much better after the oil massage of her scalp. Her BP also came down considerably when we checked it next.

Apparently, this is one home remedy that really works. I’m thankful that God mercifully granted her relief without our having to go to the ER or even to a doctor’s office!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

My evangelism partner and I witnessed today to a few Hispanic families in Greenville. One of our contacts was a Hispanic man from Mexico who has lived here for 10 years.

He goes to a Spanish Catholic church and believes that he needs to confess his sins to a priest in order to have his sins forgiven. I asked him if he reads his Bible, and he said that he does.

I asked him to show me where in the Bible it teaches what he believes about how his sins are forgiven. He said that there was such teaching in the Bible, but he was not able to find it during the time that we talked with him.

As I was probing him about this belief, Peter’s dealings with Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8) came to mind. Because the man to whom we witnessed was pressed for time, I briefly read to him in Spanish the pertinent verses from that account:

Hechos 8:20 Entonces Pedro le dijo: Tu dinero perezca contigo, porque has pensado que el don de Dios se obtiene con dinero. 21 No tienes tú parte ni suerte en este asunto, porque tu corazón no es recto delante de Dios. 22 Arrepiéntete, pues, de esta tu maldad, y ruega a Dios, si quizás te sea perdonado el pensamiento de tu corazón;

I then explained how Peter, the Christ-chosen leader of the apostolic company, confronted this man about his sinfulness but did not tell him to confess his sins to Peter himself or to any other man. Instead, Peter told him to repent (“Arrepiéntete, pues, de esta tu maldad”) and pray to God (y ruega a Dios).

If it had been necessary for Simon to confess his sins to Peter (or to some other man), the account would have recorded that Peter would have told him to do so. Peter, however, did not do so and told him rather to pray to God.

I thank God for giving me on the spot a passage from His Word that directly addressed this man’s need! I pray that he may yet take to heart what the Scripture teaches about this crucial subject and be saved.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

A Vital Matter for Prayer!

August 28, 2013

Scripture provides us with a vast amount of information about God’s mind concerning the prayer lives of His people. We are given that information in many ways, including commands, examples, and parables.

Reading 1 Chronicles 12 this morning, I was struck by a statement that suggested to me something about which I should pray for, both for myself and for God’s people as a whole. Although this statement does not say anything directly about prayer, it seemed that the Spirit highlighted this matter to me as I read the passage.

At Ziklag, God provided King David with numerous supporters who came “to help him, until it was a great host, like the host of God” (1 Chr. 12:22). At Hebron, additional supporters came to him “to turn the kingdom of Saul to him, according to the word of the Lord” (1 Chr. 12:23).

Among the people who gathered to David at this time were more than 200 men from Issachar who served a vital function in his army:

1Ch 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.

In some unspecified manner, these men understood their times in a way that distinguished them in that regard from all the other supporters of David. Their distinctive understanding equipped them to know what the Israelites should do in view of their present circumstances.

The Church of Jesus Christ has a great need for such men in our day. Given the perilous nature of our time (cf. 2 Tim. 3:1-17), we desperately need to have men who understand our times so that they know what God’s people should do!

Sensing an urgent necessity also for me to have more of such understanding and knowledge in my own life, I believe that God would now have me to pray specifically for such understanding and knowledge, both for myself and for all His people throughout the world. I look forward to how He will answer my prayers (cf. James 1:5-8) about this vital matter!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

One of my Spanish guitar students and I witnessed for 1 ½ hours today to a family from Honduras. Mrs. C was very friendly and invited us in as soon as we walked up to the fence around their home. Her husband briefly greeted us before we entered the home but did not come in at all to talk with us.

Mrs. C shared how she has had a number of bad experiences with churches and professing Christians in the past. She bitterly decried the hypocrisy of some of the Christians that she has known.

My evangelism partner did most of the talking because he is a native Spanish speaker. He repeatedly tried to steer the conversation away from her complaints about the Christians that she has known but she would keep coming back to them.

As their conversation continued, I was able to understand that she was very upset with what she has seen of Christianity in the past. Sensing that we needed to give her some Scripture that would challenge her about her own need, I asked my partner to read the parable of the Pharisee and the publican to her.

As he led her through the parable and then explained its application to her, there was a marked change in her interaction with us. God used His Word to challenge her about her own sinfulness!

My partner was able to explain to her how Christ was the propitiation for our sins, which was shocking to her. Apparently, she had never heard anyone explain that glorious truth to her before our visit with her.

While my partner continued to witness to her, I was able to witness in English to her 11-year old daughter Y. Her daughter attends church fairly regularly and seems to be a believer.

I was able to help her think clearly about what God has done for her so that her sins have been forgiven through her faith in Jesus. I also helped her think through the main truths of John 3:16 and challenged her briefly about going on with the Lord as a believer.

Before we left, we prayed with both of them about a special need that they have in their family. We are very thankful to have had this excellent witnessing opportunity this morning!

As the Lord brings it to mind, please pray for the salvation of Mr. and Mrs. C.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

1. Dios me está enseñando a rechazar el pensamiento corrupto que estoy tan propensos.

2. Dios me está enseñando a valorar Su amor por mí supremamente.

3. Dios me está enseñando a los inmensos peligros espirituales que el mundo plantea a un creyente.

4. Dios me está enseñando que Su fidelidad a mí es lo que tengo que descansar para hacer frente a una gran decepción de una manera que le agrada.

5. Dios me está enseñando que Él realmente sabe lo que es mejor para mí en todos los aspectos de mi vida, así que, he de dar de todo corazón a Su plan perfecto para mi vida.

¿Qué le está enseñando Dios en estos días?

* Produje estas frases con el uso de Google Translate  y mi diccionario Español-Inglés.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

My friend Daniel Hendrix and I work together at Majesty Music. When he recently shared with me how much weight he has lost, I asked him to share a testimony of the changes that he made to lose weight and improve his health. 

Eating Less Healthfully in My Early Years

“You only live once!” I have heard this statement incessantly throughout my life, and I have usually heard it in the context of nutritional choices. When presented with options of what to eat or drink, people tend to use this phrase to encourage the consumption of a nutritionally inferior food product or to justify overeating.

An experience I had as a teenager on a church youth outing exemplifies the former. I was quite thirsty from a day of walking around in the hot sun, so I contemplated buying either a bottle of water or a sugary soft drink. The youth pastor himself came walking up to me as I was trying to decide, so I asked him for his sage advice. “Well, you only live once, Daniel; get whichever tastes best,” he replied. I bought the soft drink. I had two options, and I chose the one with fifty-two grams of sugar!

This is just one account, but it is typical of the first twenty-five years of my life; I would generally choose the less healthful of two options. The practice of consuming whatever brings immediate pleasure without thought of future consequences is prevalent in modern American culture, and I was completely caught up in it until recently.

Gaining Much Weight in College

When I went to college, I weighed 160 pounds, which is about where I should be. “Wait a minute, Daniel; I thought you said you had an unhealthful diet?” Well, I did, but I was incredibly active. Before I went to college, I worked outside for eight hours a day, so I could eat all the junk food I wanted and not gain weight. It actually worked out quite well for me; I could practice my love of eating without fear of getting pudgy in the middle!

All of this changed when I went to college. I was no longer burning more calories than I could take in. By the time I graduated, I was just above 185 pounds—I had gained over twenty-five pounds!

If you understand the diet I had, however, it should be no surprise. I would drink three or more soft drinks a day, eat fast food every day, and eat snacks whenever I desired. I had this same diet before college, but now it had caught up to me because of a lack of exercise. You would think that I would have been seeking to lose weight, but I had become content with carrying twenty-five extra pounds. 

Hearing of Close Relatives with Diabetes Motivated Me to Change My Dietary Habits

In 2009, two years after I graduated, news came that two of my closest relatives had been diagnosed with diabetes. One of these two is only five years older than I am. This really struck a nerve, so I decided to start changing my diet.

Cutting out soft drinks and drastically reducing the consumption of restaurant food

It started very modestly. Simply by cutting soft drinks out of my diet, I lost ten pounds in a year. Now I was 175 and feeling a lot better. I was still eating a plethora of processed foods, and I did not increase my exercise regimen, but I had lost weight nonetheless.

Between 2011 and 2012, I drastically reduced my consumption of restaurant food. Granted, some of this was due to monetary reasons, nevertheless I saw my weight drop ten more pounds. At the beginning of 2013, I was steadily holding my weight of 165 pounds, which was well within the range I should be.

Getting more nutrients through an increased consumption of fruits and vegetables and a drastic reduction in meat consumption

“Okay, so the story is over, right?” Wrong. There is still an issue of nutrition. Losing weight is great, but I had not figured in proper nutrition. I had dramatically reduced my caloric intake, but I had not increased my intake of necessary micronutrients. As a result, I was constantly running out of energy and having to consume copious quantities of energy drinks. Every day by around 3:00 PM, I was ready for a nap. I also had constant stomach troubles. Sometimes my stomach would hurt so much that I would have to call out sick from work. My body was crying out for proper nutrition!

Early in 2013, my wife and I saw several documentaries about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, particularly in their raw form. I was quite interested in the idea that the nutrients in many plant-based foods can actually have a positive effect on preventing diabetes, the disease that has affected several in my family.

My wife and I decided to increase our consumption of fruits and vegetables, so we bought a juicer and started down the path to better nutrition. Later, after our health improved dramatically, we drastically reduced our meat consumption.

Reaping Multiple Health Benefits from These Dietary Changes

I am now under 160 and feeling great! I have experienced a dramatic change in not only my energy levels but also in my overall quality of life. For one thing, I can count on one finger the number of times I have had a bad stomachache since switching to a mostly plant-based diet.

Another positive effect is that I sleep much better at night. Losing twenty-five pounds has shrunk the soft tissue around the back of my throat, increasing oxygen flow and drastically reducing vibrations.

I truly feel more energetic and alert throughout the day. It stands to reason that taking care of your body means giving it the nutrients it needs not only to survive but also to thrive!

Encouraging Others toward Making Healthful Dietary Changes

This testimony is meant solely for encouragement. I am not asserting that my dietary choices are perfect, or that I have all the answers; I am merely sharing my experiences to help others who may have similar health concerns.

If you are like I once was, and you eat meat nearly every meal, perhaps this article will get you thinking. Perhaps you will be encouraged to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

If you are overweight, you should know that making positive changes in your eating habits could lead to great results down the road. It may take you years to get to where you need to be, but if I can do it, nearly anyone can. Just stick with it and take it one day at a time.

It is true that you only live once on this earth, but this is all the more reason to eat right and take care of your body!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.