Archives For Spanish

From my reading in the Reina Valera, I came up with the idea recently of using music in a different way to teach my Spanish guitar students truths about God. Here is a PDF of an exercise that uses major scales in the six main keys used in guitar (F, C, G, D, A, and E) to teach some Spanish names for God and some truths in Spanish about God. By learning this exercise, the guitar player not only learns some great truths about God, but also he learns how to play the notes for these six major scales!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Learning to Pray in Spanish

January 14, 2014

I am trying to learn to pray in Spanish. I produced the following model prayers using BibleWorks 8, Google Translate, the translation tool at (, and Webster’s Comprehensive Spanish-English Dictionary.

The Bible references provide the verse that I used to write each prayer. If you know Spanish and see any problems with anything below, please let me know.

(Estoy aprendiendo a orar en español. Si ves algún error en las oraciones siguientes, por favor, házmelo saber.)

Ten misericordia de nosotros, Jehová, porque somos pecadores. (Ps. 9:13)

Abre nuestros ojos para que veamos las maravillas de tu ley. (Ps. 119:18)

Nosotros deseamos que tus santos sean prosperado en todas las cosas y que tengan salud, así como prosperan sus almas. (3 John 2)

Padre santo, guarda en tu nombre a todos nosotros, a quien tú has dado a tu Hijo Jesucristo, para que seamos uno, así como tú y tu Hijo y tu Espíritu Santo somos uno. (John 17:11)

Te rogamos que nos guardes del mal. (John 17:15)

Santifícanos en tu verdad; tu palabra es verdad. (John 17:17)

Conceda que tu pueblo sean perfecto en unidad. (John 17:23)

Padre, por favor, haz que nosotros, a quien has dado a tu Hijo, para estar con Él donde Él está para que podamos contemplar su gloria. (John 17:24)

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

My Bible reading goal for this year is to read through the whole Bible in Spanish. So far, after 12 days, I have read 40 chapters in the Reina Valera (R60).

Reading the Bible through in another language like Spanish is for me similar to reading a commentary on the Bible in some respects because the translational choices sometimes bring out conceptual links between passages and concepts that I have not seen from reading the English Bible.

For example, compare how the prohibition against lusting after the evil woman/strange woman (Prov. 6:24-25) reads in English versus Spanish:

Pro 6:24 To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. 25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.

R60 Pro 6:24 Para que te guarden de la mala mujer, De la blandura de la lengua de la mujer extraña. 25 No codicies su hermosura en tu corazón, Ni ella te prenda con sus ojos;

Webster’s Comprehensive Spanish-English Dictionary provides “to covet” as the definition of codiciar (the verb used in the R60 in the first statement in verse 25). Reading that, Exodus 20:17 came to mind, so I checked and found that the R60 uses the same verb there as it does in Proverbs 6:25:

Exo 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

R60 Exo 20:17 No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.

Exodus 20:17 specifically prohibits coveting “thy neighbour’s wife.” The larger context of Proverbs 6:24-25 warns about lusting after the beauty of an evil strange woman and going into one’s neighbor’s wife:

Pro 6:29 So he that goeth in to his neighbour’s wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent.

R60 Pro 6:29 Así es el que se llega a la mujer de su prójimo; No quedará impune ninguno que la tocare.

The use of codiciar in both Exodus 20:17 and Proverbs 6:25 brings out that lusting for illicit physical relations with your neighbor’s wife is a key aspect of what characterizes the sinful coveting that God prohibits concerning her. In this way, reading the R60 helped me to see a key connection between important passages that I do not rember specifically linking before.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Santo, Santo, Santo is a classic Spanish hymn. This PDF provides the first stanza, melody notes, and guitar chords for the song, and this audio MP3 file provides the melody so that you can practice both the melody and the chords while listening to the melody!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

One of my Spanish guitar students and I witnessed for 1 ½ hours today to a family from Honduras. Mrs. C was very friendly and invited us in as soon as we walked up to the fence around their home. Her husband briefly greeted us before we entered the home but did not come in at all to talk with us.

Mrs. C shared how she has had a number of bad experiences with churches and professing Christians in the past. She bitterly decried the hypocrisy of some of the Christians that she has known.

My evangelism partner did most of the talking because he is a native Spanish speaker. He repeatedly tried to steer the conversation away from her complaints about the Christians that she has known but she would keep coming back to them.

As their conversation continued, I was able to understand that she was very upset with what she has seen of Christianity in the past. Sensing that we needed to give her some Scripture that would challenge her about her own need, I asked my partner to read the parable of the Pharisee and the publican to her.

As he led her through the parable and then explained its application to her, there was a marked change in her interaction with us. God used His Word to challenge her about her own sinfulness!

My partner was able to explain to her how Christ was the propitiation for our sins, which was shocking to her. Apparently, she had never heard anyone explain that glorious truth to her before our visit with her.

While my partner continued to witness to her, I was able to witness in English to her 11-year old daughter Y. Her daughter attends church fairly regularly and seems to be a believer.

I was able to help her think clearly about what God has done for her so that her sins have been forgiven through her faith in Jesus. I also helped her think through the main truths of John 3:16 and challenged her briefly about going on with the Lord as a believer.

Before we left, we prayed with both of them about a special need that they have in their family. We are very thankful to have had this excellent witnessing opportunity this morning!

As the Lord brings it to mind, please pray for the salvation of Mr. and Mrs. C.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

1. Dios me está enseñando a rechazar el pensamiento corrupto que estoy tan propensos.

2. Dios me está enseñando a valorar Su amor por mí supremamente.

3. Dios me está enseñando a los inmensos peligros espirituales que el mundo plantea a un creyente.

4. Dios me está enseñando que Su fidelidad a mí es lo que tengo que descansar para hacer frente a una gran decepción de una manera que le agrada.

5. Dios me está enseñando que Él realmente sabe lo que es mejor para mí en todos los aspectos de mi vida, así que, he de dar de todo corazón a Su plan perfecto para mi vida.

¿Qué le está enseñando Dios en estos días?

* Produje estas frases con el uso de Google Translate  y mi diccionario Español-Inglés.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

"Un Santo del Rey"

May 21, 2013

Un Santo del ReyUn Santo del Rey is my latest Spanish song! Sung to the tune of A Child of the King, this song highlights that I as a believer am a saint of the King spoken of in a glorious heavenly song:

“And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.” (Rev. 15:3)

“Y cantan el cántico de Moisés siervo de Dios, y el cántico del Cordero, diciendo: Grandes y maravillosas son tus obras, Señor Dios Todopoderoso; justos y verdaderos son tus caminos, Rey de los santos.” (Apocalipsis 15:3)

The song is in the key of D and uses only basic chords in the key of D. This PDF provides the lyrics, melody notes, chords, and chord diagrams for the song.

Here is the audio for this song: Un Santo del Rey


Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

I first began using Celebremos su Gloria by Librios Alianza/Celebremos about two years ago in a guitar class that I began teaching then at Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Tabernaculo in Greenville, SC. It is an excellent Spanish hymnal because it provides the following:

1. Music, words, and guitar chords (in both Spanish and English) for 652 songs that are divided into the following categories:

Nuestro Maravillos Dios

Nuestro Señor Jesucristo

Nuestro Divino Consolador

Nuestra Santa Biblia

Nuestra Grandiosa Salvaciόn

Nuestra Vida en Cristo

Nuestra Amada Iglesia

Nuestro Glorios Futuro

Nuestros Grupos y Ocasiones Especiales

Nuestro Culto

Having the guitar chords for all the songs in the hymnal makes this a uniquely valuable book among my hymnals because it is the only hymnal that I have that does so. This resource has been a great help in my teaching all my guitar students.

2. An excellent introductory section Disfrute Su Himnario that explains how to enjoy your hymnal by understanding these features in each song:

Symbolos; Pasajes Biblicos; Matiz; Transiciόn; Duraciόn; Punto Resaltado; Reconocimientos; Derechos Reservados; Versiculo Lema; Respuesta Musical; Acordes Para La Guitarra; Tonada; Tonalidad; Introduccion Instrumental

3. Many other innovative features designed to help you delight yourself:

Deléitese Con Estas Novedades: 32 páginas a color, poesías, reflexiones doctrinales, lecturas bíblicas integradas en cada secciόn, indices, gráfica de acordes para la guitarra, anécdotas biográficas y de inspiraciόn, música hispana y universal, e himnos y cánticos de ayer y hoy.

4. A very helpful explanation of symbols used in the hymnal: Explicaciόn de Los Símbolos. This section is excellent for learning many Spanish musical terms.

5. A Table of Contents that lists the ten sections of the hymnal (listed above in point one), the subsections in each section, and information about the subsections of section eleven Nuestro Himnario, an extensive collection of indices.

6. A superb ending section Nuestro Himnario that includes Informaciόn general and a collection of twenty-two indices that provides a vast wealth of information about the songs in the hymnal:

Dibjuos y fotografías
Índice de dueños
Índice de autores y compositores
Índice de notas biográficas
Índice anécdotas histόricas
Índice de lecturas antifonales
Índice de citas de lecturas antifonales
Índice de pasajes biblicos
Himnos basados en pasajes biblicos
Índice de versículos lema
Índice de tonadas (melodías)
Índice de metros poéticos
Índice de cadenas musicales
Lecturas especiales y reflexiones
Índice de respuestas musicales
Índice de poesías
Música especial
Acordes para guitarra
Índice tópico
Índice general
Índice de cánones (rondas)

This superb hymnal is available for purchase online at Celebremos su Gloria. I praise God for leading one of my students to give me a new hardbound spiral copy of this hymnal last night in our guitar class!

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

Oye, oh, mi voz

May 6, 2013

Oye, oh, mi voz is a prayer to Jesus Christ for salvation. It is sung to the tune of the song All I Need by C. P. Jones.

Confessing Jesus Christ as your God, you are pleading with Him to hear your voice that He would save you by His grace. Acknowleding that His salvation is righteous, you are confessing that your condition is serious. Believing that His redemption is great, you are pleading for Him to hear your voice.

Jesucristo, sálvame, oh, mi Dios, oh, mi Dios;

Por tu gracia, sálvame, oye, oh, mi voz.

Justa es tu salvación; grave es mi condición.

Grande es tu redención; oye, oh, mi voz.

This PDF provides the melody and the chords in the key of D to sing this song. I praise God for giving me this new song!

Copyright © 2013 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

You may use this song in a ministry context provided you do not change any of the words and you provide copyright information to anyone whom you distribute it. Please contact me for any other use of the song.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.

O For a Thousand Tongues is a classic hymn that is easy to play on the guitar. The following PDFs provide the music, chords, chord diagrams, and first line for the song in English and Spanish:

O For a Thousand Tongues

Oh, que tuviera lenguas mil

Both documents provide a chord diagram for each chord the first time that the chord occurs in the song.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Rajesh Gandhi. All rights reserved.